What is Password?

A Password is a secret combination of characters (letters, numbers, and symbols) used to verify your identity and grant access to a computer system, online account, or other secured resource. Passwords protect your personal information, data, and online accounts from unauthorized access.

Without a strong and unique password, it becomes easier for others to gain unauthorized access and potentially steal your sensitive information or commit fraud. Therefore, keeping secure passwords confidential is essential for maintaining privacy and security in today’s digital world.

What is a Password?

A password is a secret word or group of letters, numbers, and symbols that you use to prove who you are. It lets you access your accounts, devices, or websites safely. Only you should know your password. Passwords work like keys to a locked door. To access, you have to have the right key (password). Thus, passwords are crucial in preventing ill-motivated people from accessing your information.

Long passwords that use different characters like uppercase, numerals, and symbols are considered the best passwords. This makes it difficult for them to be easily predicted by someone else. Simple passwords like “password123” are dangerous. You should keep your passwords very confidential without telling anyone about it at all. If another person gets wind of your password, they will log into your accounts and cause problems.

So, using secure and confidentially kept strong passwords is one way of ensuring that unauthorized persons do not gain access to personal information or online accounts.

How to Create a Secure Password?

Passwords are like secret codes that let you access your accounts and devices safely. Good passwords stop bad people from getting in. Companies make rules to help create strong passwords.

These rules make passwords harder to guess :

  • Use at least 8 characters, but no more than 64. Longer is better.
  • Mix uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Add some numbers too.
  • Include special symbols like! or ?.
  • Don’t use obvious words like names or birthdays. Those are easy to guess.

Following these rules makes your passwords strong and secure. You can also use a special password keeper app to help remember and store all your passwords safely.

The most important things are using random letters, numbers, and symbols that no one else can guess, and never sharing your passwords with anyone. Doing this keeps your accounts and information protected.

Examples of Strong Passwords

Relatively long passwords with a variety of characters are the most secure. To assist in creating such passwords, experts advise against using single words but instead recommend employing phrases. Thus, you take a sensible statement and create a password from it. For instance, the sentence ‘I like to eat pizza’ is modified to “Ili2EtPiz!123”.  Change some letters with figures or symbols so that they can be easily remembered.

Another way is to use the first letters of every word in one long sentence and mix them with digits and symbols. Such as this: “MyDogRunsFastAtTheParkEveryDay” = “MrF@TPeD123?”.

You can also use password keeper apps to create and store tough passwords for you. Although not perfect, these are safer than reusing simple passwords everywhere. The main ideas are to use random letters, numbers, and symbols, make passwords long; and find a pattern that’s unique but memorable to you. This prevents guys from guessing your passwords.

How to Avoid Weak Passwords

Bad people called hackers try hard to guess or steal passwords to break into accounts. With so much personal information shared online these days, hackers can easily find details about you to guess your passwords.

Some common weak passwords that hackers look for include :

  • Use the word “password” as your password
  • Using numbers in a row like 123456789
  • Including personal details like birthdays, addresses, names of family members or pets

These types of passwords are very easy for hackers to figure out, especially if they can find personal information about you posted online. We should avoid using any passwords that contain guessable words or details about ourselves. Hackers can search social media, public records, and other sites to learn things that can help them crack impersonal passwords.

How Often Should Passwords Be Changed?

Just having strong passwords is not sufficient. You need to change them often, preferably every 3-6 months. The new ones have to be entirely different from their predecessors and not just a little bit changed. By doing this, it denies hackers the chance of using broken passwords over an extended period. Frequently changing into unique tough codes improves account safety with time.

Alternative Methods to Passwords

Instead of using passwords, some systems now let you log in without having to remember a secret code. This is called “password period wordless” login, you get a one-time code sent to your phone or email. Just enter that code and you’re logged in automatically. No password is needed.

  • Two-step verification sends a code to your phone after you enter your password. You need both to get in.
  • Biometrics lets you log in by scanning your fingerprint, face, or other body part instead of a password.
  • Security keys are little devices you plug in or tap to prove it’s you.
  • One-time passwords are codes that change every time and can only be used once.
  • Social login uses your Facebook, Google, or other account another body parts password is required.


Passwords protect your accounts from unauthorized access. Use long, random combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols that have no connection to your personal information. Change passwords frequently instead of reusing old ones. Passwordless options like biometrics and one-time codes sent to your devices are even more secure. Complex, ever-changing credentials are key to keeping your data safe from hackers.

Frequently Asked Questions on Password- FAQs

How often should I change my passwords?

Change significant passwords every few months particularly if you suspect someone else may know them but don’t merely retouch an old password slightly.

What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor gives you a one-time code on your mobile phone after you have entered the correct password. This additional layer of security makes it harder for someone to hack into your account.

What are password managers?

Password manager is an application that designs and keeps strong arbitrary passwords for all your accounts, so you can just remember one master key to unlock them, only.

Why are biometrics better than passwords?

Logging in using a fingerprint or face is simpler than memorizing passwords and it’s also highly secure since your biometrics cannot be guessed by anyone.