What is Public IP Address?

In this growing digital world and in the context of computer networks, the Internet is the most crucial and vital topic that has enclosed us through various perspectives. Various electronic devices that we use such as Mobile, tablets, smart watches, and computer systems are connected to the internet.

For all these devices, there is an essential need for this device should be uniquely identified in the network to communicate with the vast range of global devices. So this identifier, which is assigned to each individual device, is basically known as an Internet Protocol, or what we call an IP Address.

An IP address is divided into two sub-parts known as private IP address and public IP address. A private IP address is a static IP address that cannot be changed. This article covers in detail the second part which is the public IP address. We will see it arranged along with an example letter. We will explore its features, and we will see some simple steps to find our public IP address later we will conclude our article with the frequently asked questions.

What is a Public IP Address?

In a computer network, a Public IP address is defined as a unique numerical value that is assigned to the particular device connected in the network that makes use of internet protocol for communication and transmission.

This basically offers a globally recognizable address that enables user’s devices to actually transmit and receive the data or packets across a wide range of networks, which is called Internet Public IP addresses are actually routable on the Internet which means that they can be accessed and communicated through any device, from any part or from any region of the world.

Range of Public IP Address

The devices are connected in the network. In order to uniquely identify them some numerical value is assigned to every device. So to set this IP address or public IP address, there is a standard methodology through which a public IP address is been assigned.

This Public IP address assigned to every device is in the form of classes. These classes are defined by the standard Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA).

Below are the common ranges of public IP addresses:

1. Class A IP Address Range:

  • Format: N.H.H.H (1-126).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)
  • The first octet specified as (N) is the network part, and the remaining 3 octets (H) are the host parts.
  • These class addresses are used for wide networks to due their vast range.
  • The 1st bit in the Class A IP Address is always 0, which defines that it can have 128 unique network IDs (2^7).
  • The remaining 3 octets represent up to 16,777,216 host addresses (2^24).
  • Example:

2. Class B IP Address Range:

  • Format: N.N.H.H (128-191).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)
  • The initial 2 octets (N) represent the network part, and the remaining last 2 octets (H) represent the host part.
  • Class B addresses are mainly used for medium-sized networks.
  • The first 2 bits of a Class B IP address are always 10, which defines that it can have 16,384 unique network IDs (2^14).
  • The last 2 octets can represent up to 65,536 host addresses (2^16).
  • Example:

3. Class C IP Address Range:

  • Format: N.N.N.H (192-223).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)
  • In the above range, the first 3 octets represent the network part and the last octet(H) represents the host part.
  • Class C addresses are mainly used for small networks.
  • The 1st 3 bits of a Class C IP address are always 110, which defines that it can have 2,097,152 unique network IDs (2^21).
  • The last octet can actually have up to 256 host addresses (2^8).
  • Example:

Features of Public IP Address

1. Internet Accessibility

The Internet is a wide range of networks, and public IP address allows us to connect our devices to the Internet. IP address helps to retrieve and communicate data from other devices that are situated at other locations. This Public IP address increases communication and provides accessibility.

2. Host Websites on the Internet

With the help of public IP addresses, we can actually host our websites or some applications that need user experience worldwide. So with these IP addresses, we can host our website. Upon entering the domain name of the website, the domain name gets converted into public IP addresses. Once the domain name is converted it retrieves the data from the server on which the website has been hosted.

3. DHCP and Static IP Assignments

Public IP addresses can actually be assigned to the network devices, dynamically or statically. DHCP, which is known as dynamic host configuration protocol used by ISP (Internet Service Provider) to dynamically assign public IP addresses to our devices. This actually improves and makes efficient use of our available addresses. However, there are some businesses or other organizations that actually accept static IP addresses, which remain unchanged over a certain time span and this provides stability for hosting services and websites for the organization.

FAQs on Public IP Address

1. How many Public IP Addresses does an individual device have?

An Individual device consists of only one unique public IP address that is provided by ISP (Internet Service Provider).

2. How actually the Public IP addresses are assigned?

Public IP addresses are actually assigned and allocated by the regional internet registries authority to our respective ISP providers, who later allocate the address to all their associated users.

3. Whether the Public IP Address be changed?

Yes, we can change the Public IP address by following some basic configuration steps on our computer system.

4. Is there Public IP Address available for Mobile Phones?

Yes, Mobile Phones along with smartwatches and tables have the Public IP address, which gets assigned to the devices gets connected to the cellular network.