What is Relationship Set in DBMS?

Relationship set in a Database Management System (DBMS) is essential as it provides the ability to store, recover, and oversee endless sums of information effectively in cutting-edge data administration, hence making a difference in organizations.

In a Relational database, relationship sets are built up by utilizing keys, such as primary and foreign keys, to interface related records over distinctive tables.

Understanding and appropriately characterizing relationship sets is fundamental for planning a well-organized and utilitarian database framework, guaranteeing the exact representation and administration of information. 

What is a Relation?

A Relation in a database management system (DBMS) organizes information into rows and columns. This organized arrangement makes a difference in information storing and recovering information proficiently. Relations permit us to query information utilizing SQL commands like SELECT, Update, Insert, and Delete. Henceforth, it becomes easier and more demanding to control and extract data from the database.  

Relations are alluded to as tables within the database management system.

What is a Relationship Set?

It is a set of Relationships of the Same type. Mathematical Relation on m > 2 (Possibly non-distinct) entity Sets.

If E1, E2,…… En are the entity sets for the Relationship Set R is a subset of {(e1, e2,… en) | e1 € E1, e2 € E2….en € En} Where (e1, e2,…en) is a Relationship.

For Example, (E-R Diagram)

Relationship Set

Characteristics of Relationship Set

  • Degree: Degree of a relationship set indicates to the number of properties related with the relationship set.
  • Arity: Arity of a relationship set indicates the number of taking part relations. It can be like double (including two relations), ternary (including three relations), and so on.
  • Cardinality: Cardinality characterizes the number of occurrences or records that can be related with each substance on both sides of the relationship.

This permits for the execution of different sorts of connections, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many, reflecting real-world associations between substances.

Degree of Relationship Set

It denotes the number of entity sets that belong to that particular relationship set is called the degree of that relationship set.

Degree of a Relationship Set = the number of entity set that belongs to that particular relationship set

Relationship Set Example With Tables

Let ‘Customer’ and ‘Loan’ entity sets defines the Relationship ‘set Borrow’ to denote the association between Customer and bank loans.

Relationship Set between Customer and Loan

In the above example, In table Customer shows a customer borrows a loan from Table Loan. In other words, the relationship borrows will be one to one.


1. Student-Student ID Relationship

In a one-to-one relationship, each student is assigned a unique student ID.

one to one

2. Teacher-Student Relationship

Consider two relations: Teacher and Student. The relationship set between them can be characterized as “mentors.” Each teacher mentors in one class, but a class can have numerous students. So one teacher can have many students.

This is often an illustration of a one-to-many relationship.

one to many

3. Student-Course Relationship

In this situation, we have two relations: Understudy and Course. The relationship set between them can be characterized as “enrolled_in.” Each understudy can be selected in numerous courses, and each course can have different understudies.

This can be an illustration of a many-to-many relationship.

many to many


In database management systems, relationships and relationship sets holds significant importance as they are the basic building blocks for structured data as for organizing, storing, and retrieving data. In DBMS Relationships are known as tables, which are nothing but a structured format for storing data, and sets of relationships denotes meaningful relationships that exist or will be established between the different data entities.

Understanding concepts with respect to relationship and relationship set is of utmost importance as to ensure efficient and effective database systems, by following data integrity, and supporting complex data recovery operations. In a constantly evolving data management environment, the principles of relationships and relational sets remain and are of great importance.

Frequently Asked Questions on Relationship Sets in DBMS – FAQs

What is a relationship set?

A relationship set denotes a set of relationships of the same type. In other words it demonstrates relationships between entities in a database.

What is the difference between a relationship set and a relationship?

A relationship is a single connection between entities. A relationship set is a collection of similar relationships.

Why use relational statements?

Relationship sets help organize data in a database and allow for more complex and structured representations of connections between entities.