What is Result Caching in Oracle?

Result Caching is a feature of the Oracle database that allows query results to be stored in memory, eliminating the need to re-execute the query and improving overall query performance. It can be used in both single-instance and clustered environments to reduce physical I/O and improve the scalability of an Oracle database.

When a query is executed in Oracle, the database needs to access data from the disk, process it, and then return the results. This process can be quite time-consuming and can also require a significant amount of physical I/O. Result Caching eliminates the need to access the disk and process the data, instead storing the results in memory and allowing subsequent requests to access the cached results.

Benefits of Result Caching

Result caching can provide significant performance improvements for applications that execute the same query multiple times. When a query is executed, the result set is stored in the cache. When the same query is executed again, the result set is retrieved from the cache instead of re-executing the query. This reduces the amount of time required to retrieve the data as well as the number of resources (CPU, memory, etc.) required to execute the query.

How Result Caching Works

Result in caching works by storing the result sets of queries in a memory area called the Result Cache. This area is shared across all sessions that have enabled result caching. When a query is executed, the result set is stored in the Result Cache. The next time the same query is executed, the result set is retrieved from the Result Cache instead of re-executing the query.

The result set stored in the Result Cache is valid until the data in the underlying tables is modified. When this happens, the result set stored in the Result Cache is invalidated and the query is re-executed when the next request to retrieve the data is made. This ensures that the data retrieved from the cache is always up-to-date.

Advantages of Result Caching

  • Improved Query Performance: By eliminating the need to access the disk and process the data, the query performance can be improved significantly. This can lead to improved response times and a better overall user experience.
  • Reduced Physical I/O: By storing the query results in memory, the need to access the disk and read the data is eliminated. This can reduce the amount of physical I/O required for the database and can lead to improved scalability.
  • Reduced Memory Usage: By storing the query results in memory, the need to access the disk and read the data is eliminated. This can reduce the amount of memory used by the database and can lead to improved scalability.
  • Improved Availability: By caching the query results in memory, subsequent requests to the same query will not have to access the disk, which can improve the overall availability of the database.

Disadvantages of Result Caching

  • Increased Memory Usage: By storing the query results in memory, the amount of memory used by the database can increase significantly. This can lead to reduced scalability, as the amount of available memory can be quickly exhausted.
  • Increased CPU Usage: By accessing the cached results, CPU usage can increase significantly. This can lead to reduced scalability, as the number of available CPU resources can be quickly exhausted.
  • Increased Complexity: Result Caching adds an additional layer of complexity to the database, as the query results need to be managed in memory and accessed in a timely manner. This can lead to increased maintenance requirements and additional overhead.


Result Caching is a powerful feature of Oracle Database that can provide significant performance improvements for applications that execute the same query multiple times. Result Caching stores the result sets of queries in a memory area called the Result Cache, and when the same query is executed again, the result set is retrieved from the cache instead of re-executing the query. Result caching can be enabled at the system or session level and is available in Oracle Database 10g and higher.