What is Rollback in Firebase Hosting?

Firebase Hosting is a robust application that enables developers to upload and launch their applications effectively and securely. Another great feature used in Firebase Hosting is the ability to rollback which means that if anything goes wrong with the application that has been hosted.

In this article, we will explain What is Rollback in Firebase Hosting, Why is Rollback Important and how it must be implemented for optimal results.

What is Rollback in Firebase Hosting?

  • Rollback in Firebase Hosting is the process of reverting an application that was deployed onto it to a previous state or version.
  • Upon triggering a rollback the entire application is swapped with another version previously deployed.
  • This essentially erases all changes made from the time the version got deployed.

Why is Rollback Important?

Rollback functionality is essential for maintaining the stability and reliability of web applications deployed on Firebase Hosting. Below are some reasons why rollback is important:

  • Error Recovery: Rollback is a basic feature that enables independent teams to easily revert new changes when errors are present. One fact, which any developer would confirm, is when a deployment breaks something and leads to some bugs then a move back to the recent stable state is very useful.
  • Risk Mitigation: Updating to production is always a dangerous process no matter how minor or major it might be. Rollback is useful for having a back up plan so that when problems arise from a new deployment, the developer can go back to the previous deployed stable version.
  • Continuous Deployment: Rollback on its part which helps to ensure that there is little risk of introducing broken code since a healthy culture of constant releases will be encouraged where Rollback is in use. Having rollback around means that the firms can deploy the changes frequently since they are confident in the process, meaning constant innovation.
  • Version Control: Rollback functionality can be best described as version control of given applications that were deployed in the live environment. Similarly to other hosting services, in Firebase Hosting, each deployment is versioned which enables developers to monitor its history and restore with a specific version if required.

How to Use Rollback in Firebase Hosting

  • Using rollback in Firebase Hosting is straightforward and can be done through the Firebase CLI or the Firebase console.
  • Below are the approaches which help us to explain the How to Use Rollback in Firebase Hosting

1. Using Firebase CLI

To initiate a rollback, open a terminal and navigate to our Firebase project directory using the following commands

cd your-project-directory

Then, run the command to initiate the rollback.

firebase hosting:rollback

2. Using Firebase Console

  • Navigate to the Firebase console and select your project.
  • Go to the Hosting section and click on “Deploy history.”
  • Find the deployment we want to rollback to and click on “Rollback” next to it.
  • Confirm the rollback action and Firebase Hosting will revert to the selected version.

Best Practices for Rollback

To make the most of rollback functionality in Firebase Hosting, consider the following best practices:

  • Regularly Deploy: Deploy changes to our application frequently to minimize the scope of potential rollbacks. Smaller more frequent deployments reduce the risk of introducing significant issues and make rollbacks easier to manage.
  • Automated Testing: Implement automated testing as part of our deployment process to catch bugs and issues before they reach production. Automated tests can help identify problems early and reduce the need for rollbacks.
  • Monitor Deployment Metrics: Always check on deployment metrics such as error rates, latency and user feedback to measure the impact of new deployments. Monitoring can help us to identify potential issues early and decide when to initiate a rollback.
  • Document Rollback Procedures: Document rollback procedures and ensure that all team members are familiar with the process. Having clear documentation and established procedures can simple the rollback process and minimize downtime during emergencies.


Overall, The Rollback feature of Firebase Hosting is one of the important capabilities that help developers respond effectively to issues in their deployed application. Understanding the purpose of rollback and how it can be applied allows developers to use Firebase Hosting in applying changes to server with assurance of being able to quickly alter anything that has been done in case it does not work as expected.