What is Secularism?

People have been subjected to horrific forms of discrimination, abuse, avoidance, and torment throughout history because of their chosen religion. In the socialised world of today, issues like these can be completely avoided to protect networks and an individual’s rights. The Indian constitution includes the word “secularism” in its preface because of this. The following information about India’s secularism is crucial for you to learn. People from one strict group victimise or reject people from other strict groups. These acts of segregation become more commonplace when one religion receives official state endorsement at the expense of another. It should be forbidden to use any strict matchless quality of any kind. 

Simply put, secularism refers to a philosophy that gives people the freedom to practise any religion they choose or to practise none at all. It enables the state, which is required to maintain objectivity in matters of religion. In a united country, no state has a right to favour or oppose a particular religion. However, residents of a country are free to practise and follow the religion of their choice.

The term “secularism” implies a separation of religion from the political, financial, social, and interpersonal spheres of life. In this sense, religion is just a simple matter of personal choice. All religions are given equal opportunity, and everything is treated equally. All things considered, it also positions similar open doors for supporters. Therefore, there is no religious discrimination or segregation.

Significance of Secularism

One of the main achievements of any just nation is secularism. It collaborates with us for specific benefits, such as

  • Strict Liberties: There are a few benefits to residing in a common state. One of them is strict opportunity. People are free to practise their preferred religion or none at all.
  • Making Just Decisions: The independence of the state from rigid assemblies determines the unambiguously just decision-making. that treats all groups, both strict and non-strict, equally. No strict local area can force the state to make decisions that support them.
  • Freedom to express oneself: Additionally, the secularist philosophy encourages people to express their beliefs and opinions without reservation. No strict gathering can apply tension of strength, just like in a mainstream express. This inevitably has an impact on the freedom of speech.

Challenges to Secularism

However, the leaders of the free state have fought valiantly to ensure the impartial application of the secularist philosophy. In any case, a few problems need to be resolved in order to make some things legitimate, quiet, and equitable.

Both the state and strict gatherings should operate independently and uphold the law. Ideological groups continue to use the strict variety and standing plan after some periods of autonomy. A few legislators occasionally contest the validity of creating a common state due to personal advantages.

Any state should understand that secularism cannot be genuinely mainstream if it is only codified in its laws. As a result, everyone should be able to understand and apply the overall philosophy without difficulty. As a result, everyone should be cautious when it comes to the law, regardless of their orientation, religion, majority or minority status, and other factors. In this way, it is important to teach philosophy to young people.

Sample Questions 

Question 1: For what reason do we want Secularism in India?


India is a nation with many strong religious beliefs, and since it practises democracy, secularism becomes an important viewpoint for both the country and its citizens. Residents of the country should be free to practise their religion without interference. Furthermore, nobody should oppress any religion on the basis of any justification. If a country like ours own doesn’t practise secularism well, it may lead to various conflicts and rigid disagreements between people.

Question 2: What is the 42nd Amendment Act with regards to Secularism?


Regarding secularism and the Indian Constitution, the 42nd Amendment Act is regarded as a success. India was regarded as a sovereign, democratic, and republican state at the time the Indian Constitution was being drafted. The 42nd Amendment Act specifically adds the words “Mainstream,” “Communist,” and “Respectability” to the dictionary. The fundamental design of the Indian Constitution has been altered by these three words. Similar differences exist between the terms “Solidarity of the Nation” and “Solidarity and Integrity of the Nation.” India has always been thought of as a secular state. However, the 42nd Amendment Act adds the word “Mainstream” formally to the Indian Constitution.