What is Text Analytics ?

In a world filled with words, from social media posts to online reviews, understanding what they mean on a large scale is no easy task. That’s where text analytics comes in—a powerful tool that helps us make sense of all this information.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at text analytics, breaking down what it is, Understanding How it works, its applications, and Techniques.

Table of Content

  • What is Text Analytics?
  • Why is Text Analytics Important?
  • What Text Analytics Can Do?
  • How Text Analytics Work?
    • Language Identification
    • Tokenization
    • Sentence Breaking
    • Part of Speech Tagging
    • Chunking
    • Syntax Parsing
    • Sentence Chaining
  • Various Text Analytics Techniques
  • Application of Text Analysis
  • The Impact of Text Analytics
  • The Future of Text Analytics

What is Text Analytics?

Text Analytics is a process of analyzing and understanding written or spoken language. It employs computer algorithms and techniques to extract valuable information, patterns, and insights from extensive textual data. In simpler terms, text analytics empowers computers to understand and interpret human language.

In simpler terms, text analytics helps computers understand and interpret human language. Here’s a real-world example to illustrate text analytics: Let’s say a company receives customer reviews for its products online. These reviews can be a goldmine of information, but it’s not feasible for humans to read and analyze thousands of reviews manually. This is where text analytics comes in. The text analytics system can automatically analyze the reviews, looking for patterns and sentiments. It can identify common words or phrases that customers use to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction. For example, it might recognize that words like love, great, and excellent often appear in positive reviews, while words like disappointed, issues, and poor may appear in negative reviews.

Why is Text Analytics Important?

Text analytics has become a crucial tool in today’s information age for two main reasons: the massive growth of text data and its unique ability to extract valuable insights hidden within that data.

1. Explosion of Text Data:

  • We generate an immense amount of text data daily, from emails and social media posts to customer reviews, documents, and online articles.
  • Traditional data analysis methods struggle with this unstructured format. Text data lacks the neat rows and columns of traditional databases.
  • Text analytics bridges this gap, allowing us to unlock meaning and value from this vast and ever-growing resource.

2. Uncovering Hidden Gems:

  • Text data is rich with information about people’s opinions, experiences, and behaviors.
  • By analyzing this data, we can discover hidden trends, patterns, and emotions that wouldn’t be readily apparent otherwise.
  • This can lead to significant benefits in various fields:
    • Businesses: Improved decision-making through understanding customer sentiment, identifying market trends, and optimizing marketing campaigns.
    • Research: Faster scientific discoveries by analyzing large volumes of research papers and uncovering hidden connections.
    • Society: Gaining a deeper understanding of social issues by analyzing public discourse on social media and identifying areas for improvement.

What Text Analytics Can Do?

Text analytics is a powerful tool that unlocks the meaning and value hidden within mountains of text data. It’s like having a superpowered decoder ring for the vast amount of information we generate every day. Here are some of the key things text analytics can do:

  • Extracting Meaning from Text: Imagine sifting through mountains of emails, social media posts, or customer reviews. Text analytics can identify common themes, trends, and patterns within this data. It can reveal what people are talking about, the problems they’re facing, and the emotions they’re expressing.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Not all text is created equal. Text analytics can delve deeper and understand the emotions and opinions conveyed in the text. It can tell you if a customer review is glowing with praise or brimming with frustration. This allows businesses to gauge customer sentiment and satisfaction.
  • Topic Modeling: Have a massive collection of documents or articles? Text analytics can uncover the hidden structure. Through topic modeling, it can identify the main subjects discussed within the text corpus. This is like automatically generating a detailed table of contents for a vast amount of information.
  • Entity Recognition: The world is full of people, places, and organizations. Text analytics can act like a super-powered highlighter, identifying these entities mentioned within text data. This can be incredibly useful for tasks like tracking mentions of a brand on social media or identifying key players in a research paper.
  • Text Classification: Sometimes you just need to sort things into piles. Text analytics can categorize text data into predefined groups. Imagine automatically classifying emails as spam or important, or sorting customer reviews by product category. This allows for efficient organization and analysis of large amounts of textual data.

These are just a few examples of the many ways text analytics can be used. It’s a versatile tool that can be applied across various fields, from business intelligence to scientific research

How Text Analytics Work?

Text Analytics process typically includes several key steps, such as language identification, tokenization, sentence breaking, part-of-speech tagging, chunking, syntax parsing, and sentence chaining. Let’s briefly explore each of these steps:

Steps of Text Analytics Process

Language Identification

  • Objective: Determine the language in which the text is written.
  • How it works: Algorithms analyze patterns within the text to identify the language. This is essential for subsequent processing steps, as different languages may have different rules and structures.


  • Objective: Divide the text into individual units, often words or sub-word units (tokens).
  • How it works: Tokenization breaks down the text into meaningful units, making it easier to analyze and process. It involves identifying word boundaries and handling punctuation.

Sentence Breaking

  • Objective: Identify and separate individual sentences in the text.
  • How it works: Algorithms analyze the text to determine where one sentence ends and another begins. This is crucial for tasks that require understanding the context of sentences.

Part of Speech Tagging

  • Objective: Assign a grammatical category (part of speech) to each token in a sentence.
  • How it works: Machine learning models or rule-based systems analyze the context and relationships between words to assign appropriate part-of-speech tags (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) to each token.


  • Objective: Identify and group related words (tokens) together, often based on the part-of-speech tags.
  • How it works: Chunking helps in identifying phrases or meaningful chunks within a sentence. This step is useful for extracting information about specific entities or relationships between words.

Syntax Parsing

  • Objective: Analyze the grammatical structure of sentences to understand relationships between words.
  • How it works: Syntax parsing involves creating a syntactic tree that represents the grammatical structure of a sentence. This tree helps in understanding the syntactic relationships and dependencies between words.

Sentence Chaining

  • Objective: Connect and understand the relationships between multiple sentences.
  • How it works: Algorithms analyze the content and context of different sentences to establish connections or dependencies between them. This step is crucial for tasks that require a broader understanding of the text, such as summarization or document-level sentiment analysis.

Overall, text analytics involves a combination of linguistic rules, machine learning models, and statistical techniques to extract valuable information from text data. The specific techniques and tools used may vary depending on the application and the complexity of the text analysis task.

Various Text Analytics Techniques

There are numerous applications of text analytics across various industries. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing social media comments, customer reviews, or survey responses to understand and evaluate the sentiment towards a product, brand, or service.
  2. Customer Feedback Analysis: Extracting valuable insights from customer feedback to identify areas of improvement, track customer satisfaction, and enhance product or service offerings.
  3. Social Media Monitoring: Monitoring and analyzing social media content to gain insights into public opinions, trends, and reactions related to a particular topic, brand, or event.
  4. Market Research: Analyzing large volumes of textual data to identify market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive intelligence.
  5. Email Filtering and Classification: Automatically categorizing and filtering emails based on content, helping in prioritizing and organizing incoming messages.
  6. Content Summarization: Summarizing lengthy documents, articles, or reports to provide concise and informative summaries for quick understanding.
  7. Chatbot Development: Implementing natural language processing to develop intelligent chatbots that can understand and respond to user queries in a human-like manner.

Application of Text Analysis

  1. Legal Document Analysis: Assisting legal professionals in parsing and summarizing complex legal documents for faster comprehension.
  2. Healthcare Data Insights: Analyzing medical records and patient feedback to derive insights for improved healthcare services and patient care.
  3. Financial Data Evaluation: Enhancing fraud detection by scrutinizing large volumes of financial texts to identify irregularities and potential risks.
  4. Educational Content Enhancement: Improving educational materials by analyzing student feedback and adapting content to better suit learning needs.

The Impact of Text Analytics

The impact of text analytics will be felt across various sectors:


  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By analyzing customer reviews and social media conversations, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences. This allows them to personalize their offerings, improve customer service, and build stronger relationships.
  • Market Research Revolutionized: Text analytics empowers businesses to gather real-time market intelligence from social media and online forums. This allows them to identify emerging trends, understand competitor strategies, and make informed product development decisions.
  • Risk Management and Fraud Detection: By analyzing text data, businesses can identify suspicious patterns and prevent fraud attempts. This is crucial in sectors like finance and e-commerce.


  • Scientific Discovery at Scale: Text analytics tools can process massive amounts of scientific literature, accelerating research by identifying patterns and connections that might be missed by human researchers.
  • Social Science Insights: Analyzing social media data and online conversations can provide researchers with valuable insights into human behavior, public opinion, and social trends.


  • Improved Public Services: Text analytics can be used to analyze citizen feedback and identify areas where public services can be improved. This can lead to more efficient and responsive government agencies.
  • Combating Misinformation: Text analytics can be used to identify and flag fake news and misinformation circulating online. This can help to promote a more informed and truthful online environment.

Overall, text analytics is poised to play a transformative role in the future, shaping the way businesses operate, research is conducted, and society functions as a whole.

The Future of Text Analytics

The future of text analytics is brimming with exciting possibilities driven by advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Here are some key trends to watch:

  • Deeper Text Understanding: NLP advancements will enable text analytics to go beyond basic sentiment analysis and delve into the nuances of human language. Tools will understand sarcasm, humor, and cultural references, leading to more accurate and insightful analysis.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: As AI and machine learning become more sophisticated, text analytics tools will break down language barriers. They’ll be able to analyze text in multiple languages with high accuracy, opening doors to global insights.
  • Real-time Analysis: The future holds the promise of real-time text analysis. This will allow businesses and organizations to react instantly to customer feedback, social media trends, and emerging issues.
  • Explainable AI: There will be a growing focus on explainable AI, ensuring that text analytics results are transparent and understandable. This will build trust and allow users to make informed decisions based on the insights provided.
  • Integration with Other Technologies: Text analytics will become seamlessly integrated with other technologies like Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT). This will enable a holistic understanding of data, leading to even more powerful insights.


In conclusion, text analytics works by breaking down language into smaller parts, figuring out what each part means, and connecting the dots to get the big picture. This process is crucial for businesses, social media, and more. Imagine a company getting tons of customer reviews. It’s impossible for humans to read them all, right? Text analytics steps in, quickly figuring out if people are happy or not by spotting words like love or disappointed. It’s a language detective for computers! So, whether it’s analyzing social media, improving products from customer feedback, or creating smart chatbots, text analytics is the secret sauce. It’s like giving computers the power to understand us better in this world full of words.