What is the Biological Significance of Proteins?

Answer: Proteins facilitate enzyme reactions, hormone production, immune responses, structural support, and transport within organisms.

Proteins are versatile and vital molecules that play essential roles in the biological functions of organisms.

  1. Catalysis: Proteins act as enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions, making life-sustaining biochemical processes efficient and specific.
  2. Structural Support: They provide structural support to cells and organisms. Collagen in connective tissues and keratin in hair and nails are some examples.
  3. Transport: Specific proteins, like hemoglobin, transport oxygen in the blood, while others facilitate the movement of molecules across cell membranes.
  4. Defence: Antibodies, a type of protein, are crucial in the immune system’s defense against pathogens.
  5. Regulation: Proteins regulate cellular processes through signaling molecules and receptors, ensuring proper cell function and intercellular communication.
  6. Movement: Motor proteins, such as myosin in muscles, are responsible for movement at the cellular and organismal levels.
  7. Storage: Certain proteins store ions and molecules for future use, like ferritin storing iron in the liver.

Also, check out our easy-to-read article on Proteins, if you want to learn more.