What is the difference between call and apply in JavaScript ?

JavaScript call() Method: It calls the method, taking the owner object as an argument. The keyword this refers to the ‘owner’ of the function or the object it belongs to. We can call a method that can be used on different objects. 


object.objectMethod.call( objectInstance, arguments )

JavaScript apply() Method: The apply() method is used to write methods, which can be used on different objects. It is different from the function call() because it takes arguments as an array. 


object.objectMethod.apply(objectInstance, arrayOfArguments)

Difference between the call() and apply() methods: The only difference is call() method takes the arguments separated by a comma while apply() method takes the array of arguments. 

Example 1: This example uses the call() method to call a function. 


<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">
    <h3>call() method</h3>
    <button onClick="fun()">
    <p id="GFG"></p>
    <!-- Script to use call() method to call
            function -->
        function fun() {
        let p = {
            fullName: function(addr1, addr2) {
            return this.fName + " " + this.lName
                    + ", " + addr1 + ", " + addr2;
        let p1 = {
            lName: "GFGlName",
        let x = p.fullName.call(p1, "India", "USA");
        document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = x;



Example 2: This example does the same work by using apply() method.


<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">
    <h3>JavaScript apply() method</h3>
    <button onClick="fun()">
    <p id="GFG"></p>
        function fun() {
            let p = {
            fullName: function(addr1, addr2) {
                return this.fName + " " + this.lName
                        + ", " + addr1 + ", " + addr2;
        let p1 = {
            lName: "GFGlName",
            let x = p.fullName.apply(p1, ["India", "USA"]);
            document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = x;



Let us understand differences in a tabular form -:

JavaScript call() Method

JavaScript apply() Method

It is used to write such a method that can be used on different objects. It is used to write methods, which can be used on different objects
It is a Predefined Method in Javascript. Its return value is the result of the calling function along provided this value and arguments.
It is used for an object to use a method that belongs to a different object. We can use a list with this function instead of the array
This method can also accept parameters. This method takes the parameter as an array