What is the difference between offsetHeight and clientHeight ?

OffsetHeight: It is the property that helps to measure the visible height of an element in terms of pixels including the CSS properties like element visible content, vertical padding, border, and scrollbar but not top and bottom margin.

offsetHeight = Visible content + padding + border + scrollbar

ClientHeight: It is the property that helps to measure the inner height of an element in terms of pixels including the CSS properties like padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.

clientHeight = Visible content + padding


<!DOCTYPE html>
        What is the difference between
        offsetHeight and clientHeight?
        h1 {
        #GFG {
            height: 200px;
            width: 300px;
            padding: 20px;
            margin: 20px;
            border: 10px solid black;
        #Beginner {
        <h2>OffsetHeight and ClientHeight</h2>
        <button onclick="myBeginner()">
            Click Here!
        <div id="GFG">
            This course is focused on Data Structures
            & Algorithms and will help you to prepare
            for product-based companies like Microsoft,
            Amazon, Adobe, etc. This is an online
            learning program which can be completed
            according to your pace. The course
            curriculum has been divided into 10 weeks
            where you can practice the question & 
            attempt the Contest according to your 
            time convenience. The course content includes
            pre-recorded premium Video lectures & 
            programming questions for practice. You will 
            learn algorithmic techniques for solving 
            various computational problems and will
            implement more than 200 algorithmic coding
        <div id="Beginner"></div>
            function myBeginner() {
                var element = document.getElementById("GFG");
                var text = "";
                text += "ClientHeight: " + element.clientHeight
                            + "px" + "<br>";
                text += "OffsetHeight: " + element.offsetHeight
                            + "px" + "<br><br>";
                text += "ClientWidth: " + element.clientWidth
                            + "px" + "<br>";
                text += "OffsetWidth: " + element.offsetWidth + "px";
                document.getElementById("Beginner").innerHTML = text;


  • Before Click on the Button:
  • After Click on the Button: