What is the Difference Between Test Set and Validation Set?

Answer: The test set evaluates the final model’s performance, while the validation set is used to tune hyperparameters and assess the model’s performance during training.

The test set and validation set are both crucial components in machine learning model development, but they serve distinct purposes. Here’s a detailed explanation highlighting their differences:

Criteria Test Set Validation Set
Purpose Used to evaluate the final model performance. Used to tune hyperparameters and assess model performance during training.
Usage Typically used only once, after model development. Used iteratively during model training for performance monitoring and hyperparameter tuning.
Data Splitting Separated from the training and validation sets. Usually a subset of the training data, is distinct from the test set.
Data Leakage Highly sensitive to data leakage; should be kept isolated. Can have interactions with training data, as it’s used iteratively during training.
Size Typically larger to provide an accurate assessment of the model’s generalization performance. Smaller compared to the test set, as it’s used for model selection and tuning.
Randomization Often randomized to ensure representativeness. May or may not be randomized, depending on the training process.
Evaluation Metrics Used to calculate final performance metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, etc. Also used for performance evaluation, but can be used to monitor metrics during training.
Impact on Training Does not affect model training; model should not be adjusted based on test set performance. Can influence the training process, as it’s often used for early stopping and hyperparameter tuning.


In essence, while the test set acts as a final checkpoint to assess the model’s generalization on unseen data, the validation set plays an active role during training by providing feedback on the model’s performance and guiding parameter-tuning decisions.
