What is the Greatest 4 Digit Number

9999 is the greatest 4 Digit Number. To find the greatest 4-digit number, we need to maximize the value of each digit .9 is the highest value a single digit can have. So, the largest 4-digit number is formed by placing the digit ‘9’ in each of the four places: thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

In this article, we are going to find the largest 4-digit number, how to express it in terms of its prime factors and its properties, and different types of number systems.

What is the Greatest 4-digit number?

Greatest four-digit number can be expressed as the number with a digit at ones place, tenth place, hundredth place, and thousand place. All the digits have been the largest digits, in essence, 9. The largest four-digit number in the number system is  ⇢ 9999

Explanation: If 1 is added to this number, it becomes 10000 which is a five-digit number. So 9999 is the greatest four-digit number in the number system.

Largest four digit number in the number system = 9999

= 9999 + 1 

= 10000 (which is five digit number )

Hence it is proved that 9999 is the greatest four-digit number.

By this method, it is easy to find any greatest number in the number system.

Greatest 4-digit number as prime factors

Let’s express the largest 4-digit number in terms of its prime factors.

We are using the concept of prime numbers and prime factorisation to solve this.

Greatest 4-digit number is 9999.

9999 = 3 × 3 × 11 × 101

Thus, prime factors of the greatest 4-digit number 9999 are 3, 3, 11, 101.

Note: Prime factors are the factors of the given number which are prime.

Largest 4 digit number using different digits

If we use different digits to get the largest 4 digit number, we will come up with different numbers.

  • Greatest four-digit number, using only one digit is 9,999.
  • Greatest four-digit number, using two different digits is 9,998.
  • Greatest four-digit number, using all different digits is 9,876.

Conclusion- Largest 4 Digit Number

9999 is the largest 4 Digit Number. This article discussed the largest numbers in the 4 digits range in mathematics, how to express it in terms of its prime factors and its properties.

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Largest Four Digit Number- FAQs

What is the largest 4 digit even number?

9998 is the largest 4 digit even number.

What is the largest 4 digit number + 1 ?

The largest 4 digit number +1 is 10000.

What is the greatest 4 digit number that is a perfect square?

The greatest 4-digit number that is a perfect square is 9801.

What is the largest 4-digit number using the digits 0,3,4 1?

The greatest 4-digit number using the digits 0,3,4 is 4310.

What is the largest 4 digit number which is divisible by 15, 20 and 30?

The largest 4-digit number which is divisible by 15, 20, and 30 is 9960.