What is the biggest number in the world?

A Googolplex is often regarded as the largest number in the world. It is represented as 10googol. This number can also be expressed in exponential notation as 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 100, written as 10^(10^[100]).

Table of Content

  • What is the Biggest Number in the World?
  • Googol vs Googolplex
  • How Big is Graham’s Number?
  • Avogadro’s Number
  • Eddington Number

What is the Biggest Number in the World?

A Googolplex is considered to be the biggest number in the world. It is written as 10googol. The number 10googol can also be expressed in the exponential format that will equal [Tex]10^{10^{100}}[/Tex]. While writing the number googol in normal number writing format the probability of losing count is very high. Hence, it is more convenient to express it in the form of exponent and powers.

  • The number googolplex is so ridiculously large that it is unimaginable to be written down in number writing format.
  • The number hence remains a concept as it is of no use in mathematics for basic calculations.

So now one might ask what about, Googolplex Plus One, and so on they are bigger than Googolpex, that is right but we define a large number with some specific property, and adding one to any large number is not accepted.

What is Infinity?

Infinity is not a number but is rather a concept. One might argue can’t define more numbers greater than Googolplex in any way. The answer to this is yes we can, and Graham’s Number is one such number. It is exponentially bigger than Googolpex

Googol vs Googolplex

A googol and a googolplex are both extraordinarily large numbers, but they differ significantly in magnitude.


  • A googol is defined as 10 raised to the power of 100, written mathematically as 10100.
  • It was coined by mathematician Edward Kasner’s nine-year-old nephew, Milton Sirotta, in 1938.
  • A googol is an immensely large number, often used in mathematics and theoretical discussions to illustrate the concept of large quantities, especially in combinatorics and probability.


  • A googolplex is even larger than a googol. It is defined as 10 raised to the power of a googol, written as 10^[10^(100)].
  • The name “googolplex” was also coined by Edward Kasner, who asked his nephew to come up with a name for an even larger number than a googol.
  • A googolplex is so large that it’s practically impossible to represent it in its entirety, even in written form, due to the sheer number of digits involved.

While both a googol and a googolplex are immense numbers, a Googolplex is vastly larger, being 10 raised to the power of a googol. The concept of these numbers serves to illustrate the vastness of the mathematical realm and challenges the limits of human comprehension when dealing with incredibly large quantities.

How Big is Graham’s Number?

Graham’s Number is ridiculously big it is so big that we can not even imagine that number and that is not enough number in the observable number in the universe to even write that number.

It was named after famous mathematician Ronald Graham, who gave the concept of this number. Graham’s number is so large that we cannot write it in standard notation, but it can be expressed using mathematical symbols and notation.

Avogadro’s Number

  • Avogadro’s number, denoted as NA​, is a fundamental constant in chemistry and physics. It represents the number of atoms, molecules, ions, or other particles present in one mole of a substance.
  • Its value is approximately 6.022×1023 particles per mole.
  • This number is crucial for understanding the scale of microscopic particles and is extensively used in fields such as chemistry, physics, and material science.
  • Avogadro’s number allows scientists to bridge the gap between macroscopic quantities and the realm of individual particles.

Eddington Number

The Eddington number, named after the British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington, is a concept related to astronomy and cosmology.

The Eddington number in physics refers to Sir Arthur Eddington’s estimate for the number of protons in the observable universe. It is calculated as 136 x 2256, approximately equal to 1.575 x 1079. This estimation reflects the scale and vastness of the observable universe in terms of its elementary particles, specifically protons.

Conclusion of Biggest Number

The biggest number in the world” is intriguing, but it ultimately leads to a paradox. In mathematics, there is no largest or smallest number, as numbers extend infinitely in both positive and negative directions. Regardless of how large a number may seem, it’s always possible to add 1 to it and obtain an even larger number. Thus, the concept of the “biggest number” is nonsensical within the framework of mathematics. Instead, mathematicians often deal with concepts such as infinity, which represent unboundedness rather than a specific numerical value.

Biggest Number – FAQs

Is A googolplex bigger than infinity?

A googolplex is really big, but it’s still a finite number. Infinity, on the other hand, isn’t a number at all—it’s a concept representing endlessness. You can’t compare them directly because one is a huge but finite number, while the other is limitless.

What are the top 5 biggest numbers?

There’s quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion and more.

What is Graham’s number?

Graham’s number is mind-blowingly huge. It’s a champion in the math world for its size.

Which number in the world holds a Guinness World Record?

Graham’s Number holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest specific integer used in a published mathematical proof.

Who attempted to write down the number Googolplex?

 A mathematician Wolfgang H Nitsche attempted to write down the number googolplex and started releasing editions of a book of it.

What is a Sextillion?

A sextillion is a number counting one million million million million million million, in the exponential form it is written as  1036 for the long-scale counting. The number is symbolically represented by SX.

How many Billions equal One Quadrillion?

1000 billion is equal to one quadrillion.

Do Counting Numbers ever end?

No, the numbers in the universe have no end.

Is Infinity a Real Number?

Infinity isn’t a number as it is not mathematically represented in figures. Infinity is more of a concept rather than a definite real number.

Is a zillion a real number?

No, “zillion” is not a real number in the mathematical sense. It is a colloquial term used informally to denote an extremely large or unspecified number.

Is tree 3 bigger than Graham’s number?

Yes, TREE(3) is indeed larger than Graham’s number. In fact, TREE(3) is one of the largest finite numbers defined in combinatorial mathematics.

Is Google bigger than centillion?

No, “Google” (spelled “googol”) is smaller than a centillion. A googol is 10100, while a centillion is 10303.

Is Graham’s number bigger than infinity?

Graham’s number is finite and therefore not comparable to infinity. Infinity (∞) is not a number in the usual sense; it represents a concept of endlessness and is not subject to comparison with finite quantities.

What’s after Undecillion?

After undecillion, the next numerical term is “duodecillion,” which is equal to 10^39 in the short scale system.

What is bigger googol or centillion?

A googol (10100) is smaller than a centillion (10303).

Is vigintillion the biggest number?

No, vigintillion is not the largest number. There are many larger numbers such as centillion, googol, googolplex, and beyond. In mathematics, there is no “biggest” number as numbers can always be made larger through exponentiation or other operations.