What is the Least Count of Thermometer?

The Standard Least Count of a mercury-in-glass thermometer is 1 degree Celsius (°C) or 1 degree Fahrenheit (°F). This means it can provide temperature readings with a precision of 1 degree.

The Least Count is a measure of its precision in reading temperature. It represents the smallest temperature difference it can accurately measure or detect.

  • Digital Thermometers: Digital thermometers, on the other hand, often have a much smaller Least Count, typically 0.1°C or 0.1°F, due to their electronic sensors and digital displays.
  • Clinical and Laboratory Use: In clinical thermometers, a smaller Least Count is desirable for precise measurement of body temperature, whereas laboratory thermometers may require a higher Least Count based on the level of accuracy needed for specific experiments.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Some specialized thermometers designed for environmental monitoring or industrial processes may have different Least Counts depending on the application.

In summary, the Least Count of a thermometer indicates its ability to provide temperature measurements with a specific level of precision, and it can vary depending on the type and intended use of the thermometer.