What is the Metasploit Framework in Linux?

A Metasploit framework is a tool that is used by ethical hackers, security researchers, and pentester to testing of the vulnerability. It helps us to find vulnerabilities in networks, systems, and IoT. It’s an open-source tool. It can be customized with the operating system. It’s a bunch of exploits for various platforms. This Framework is written in a ruby programming language. A user may set up an exploit module, combine it with a payload, aim at a target, and fire it against the target system using the different tools, libraries, user interfaces, and modules of Metasploit. Hundreds of exploits and different payload choices are contained in the vast and comprehensive database of Metasploit. 

Let’s understand the Metasploit Framework through various types of examples.

Example 1: Hack FTP Server Using Metasploit

Here we will be using a vulnerable machine called Metasploitable 2. Follow the below steps to Hack FTP Server.

Step 1: Scanning all the open ports and services using Nmap (Nmap is a network scanning tool)

nmap -Pn -sV


Command Explanation 

  • nmap:- Tool
  • -Pn:- Treat all hosts as online — skip host discovery
  • -sV:- Probe open ports to determine service/version info

Step 2: Exploit with Metasploit Framework.


In the below screenshot, we are stating the Metasploit console using the msfconsole command.


Step 3: Here we can see the FTPftp service is open called vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) is an FTP server for Unix-like systems, including Linux, and the port number is 21. Let’s get into the server. Search for Version which is FTP server used on it. Here I’m Searching for vsftpd. Here We use the search option for the search exploit.

search vsftpd


Command Explanation

  • search:- for searching any exploit by name or keyword.

Step 4: Now, we will be selecting the exploit by using the use command.

use 0


Command Explanation

  • use: we use this option because we can use the exploit by using their index number. 

Step 5: Now we will see what are the requirements of run this exploit.

show options


Command Explanation:- 

  • show options:- for knowing what are the requirements of run this exploit.
  • Set RHOSTS:- set the target IP.
  • exploit:- for running this exploit

Step 6: Now we will run the exploit and get access to the FTP server.


We have got access to the FTP server of the target machine Metasploitable 2


Example 2: Using Metasploit for DOS attack

Step 1: Type Command msfconsole for entering Metasploit Framework



Step 2: Use the payload auxiliary/dos/http/slowloris to perform DOS attack on victim.

use auxiliary/dos/http/slowloris


Slowloris tries for many connections to the target machine or web server open and holds them open as long as possible. This accomplishes by opening connections to the target web server and sending requests. Periodically, it will send HTTP request headers. Eventually denying additional connection attempts from client.

Command Explanation:

  • use: for using payload 

Step 3: Show the requirements to run the exploit.

show options


Command Explanation:

  • show options:- use to show the requirements for running the exploit. We can see this in the image.

Step 4: Set the target IP to run this exploit.

set rhost


Command Explanation:

  • set host:- set the target IP for exploit.

Step 5: Run this Exploit to run the dos attack.


Multiple requests are been hit to the victim machine.


Command Explanation:

  • exploit:- run the attack.

Example 3: Using Metasploit to hack through Samba Usermap Script vulnerability 

Step 1: Enter the Metasploit Framework using the following command.



Command Explanation:- 

  • msfconsole:- enter the metasploitable framework.

Step 2: Use exploit for the Samba Usermap Script vulnerability.

use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script


Command Explanation:

  • use: use the exploit by name or by the index of the exploit.

Step 3: Show the requirements of the exploit.

show options


Command Explanation:-

  • show options: show the requirements for the exploit.

Step 4: Set the credentials to run the exploit.



Command Explanation : 

  • set:- set the required things.

Step 4: Exploit the vulnerability by running the payload.



We have successfully hacked the Samba Usermap Script vulnerability .