What is the national sport of Sri Lanka?

Answer: The national sport of Sri Lanka is Volleyball.

Sri Lanka, an island nation celebrated for its rich culture and diverse traditions, officially designated volleyball as its national sport in 1991. This recognition underscores the profound popularity and cultural significance of volleyball throughout the country. Introduced in the early 20th century, the sport quickly gained widespread appeal, resonating across diverse societal segments.

Volleyball’s allure lies in its simplicity and minimal equipment requirements, enabling accessibility for people from all walks of life. Serving as a common ground for community interaction, the sport fosters unity and teamwork, celebrated in schools, villages, and urban areas. Tournaments and matches are frequent, drawing significant local interest. The sport’s prominence extends to national-level competitions, supported by both the government and local organizations.


  • Volleyball is deeply woven into Sri Lanka’s cultural fabric, reflecting communal values and traditions.
  • Its popularity is attributed to accessibility and adaptability, making it suitable for diverse playing environments.
  • As a unifying force, volleyball embodies aspects of Sri Lanka’s national identity, promoting teamwork, health, and community spirit.