What is the Past Tense of “ring”?

Answer: The past tense of “ring” is “rang.”

This verb changes from “ring” to “rang.” For example: “Yesterday, the phone rang several times before she answered it.” Here, the word “rang” tells that it was the sound several times before which had been emitted into the past time.

One should understand the use of the irregular verb forms in a sentence like “rang” so that one writes not only grammatically correct sentences but also communicates effectively to the readers of some action that has already been done.

Regular verbs normally tend to make their past by simply adding “-ed” to the base form. However, similar to “ring,” most irregular verbs require one to remember new patterns. Most of the irregular verbs have to be memorized, as they do not conform to the standard rules for making past tenses.

Put simply, “rang” is the past form of “ring.” This kind of irregular verb forms is very important for the clarity and accuracy of both written and oral communication by any able English language practitioner.