What is the probability of getting a 3 after rolling a dice?

Probability is a part of maths that deals with the happening of random events. Probability is to predict how likely events occur or do not occur. The probability of an event is between 0 and 1 only and can also be written in percentage or fraction.

The probability of event B is often written as P(B). Here P represents the possibility and B represents the event.

Similarly, we can write the probability of any event is often written as P().

When the outcome of an event is not confirmed we use the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they occur. To understanding probability we take an example as rolling a dice:

There are six possible outcomes—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The probability of getting any of the numbers is 1/6. As the event is an equally likely event so the possibility of getting any number is the same in this case it is 1/6 or 50/3%.

Formula of Probability

[Tex]Probability \space of\space an\space event = \frac{Number\space of\space ways\space it\space can\space occur}{Total\space number\space of\space outcomes} [/Tex]

[Tex]P(A) = \frac{Number\space of\space ways\space A\space occurs}{Total\space number\space of\space outcomes} [/Tex]

Equally Likely Events

Rolling a dice the probability of getting any of the numbers is 1/6. As the event is an equally likely event so the possibility of getting any number is the same in this case it is 1/6 in fair dice rolling.

Complementary Events

Possibility of only two outcomes which is an event will occur or not. Like a person will run or not run the race, buying a car or not buying a car, etc. are examples of complementary events.

What is the possibility of getting a 3 after tossing the rolling die?


Probability of an event = (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(A) =(Event A) / (total number of event).

Probability of getting any number = 1/6.

Rolling dice is an equally likely event hence the outcome will have the same possibility.

Probability of getting 3 in a die = (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(3) = (1)/(6).

Hence, the probability of getting 3 after tossing a rolling die is 1/6 or 0.167.

Similar Question

Question 1. What is the possibility of getting a 2 after tossing the rolling die?


Probability of an event = (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(A) =(Event A) / (total number of event).

Probability of getting any number = 1/6.

Rolling dice is an equally likely event hence the outcome will have the same possibility.

Probability of getting 2 in a die= (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(2) = (1)/(6).

Hence, the probability of getting 2 after tossing a rolling die is 1/6 or 0.167.

Question 2. What is the possibility of getting a 6 after tossing the rolling die?


Probability of an event = (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(A) = (Event A) / (total number of event).

Probability of getting any number = 1/6.

Rolling dice is an equally likely event hence the outcome will have the same possibility.

Probability of getting 6 in a die= (number of favorable event) / (total number of event).

P(6) =(1)/(6).

Hence, the probability of getting 6 after tossing a rolling die is 1/6 or 0.167.