What is the role of Planning Commission?

The Planning Commission’s liability appears to be firmly connected to the Indian constitution and every one of the obligations shared with the public authority inside its Constitutional Provisions, especially those connecting with monetary and social government assistance. The constitution and its regulative lay State Policies and require the state to safeguard occupants’ more right than wrong to get a practical job along with to forestall disparity seeing the gathering of abundance as well as a method for creation. All through this structure, the state is by all accounts fundamental to guarantee advancement in the general result and equivalent conveyance all through the country’s assorted sections. Here, the Planning Commission creates systems for the whole locale as well as fills in as a consultative arranging authority at the most significant level.

The Commission’s need is by all accounts on streamlining assets through utilizing our scant and restricted measure of assets currently accessible inside our regions. Rather than simply expanding plan uses, the drive has been taken to improve the general proficiency of the appropriations.

The role of the Planning Commission is straightforwardly connected with the undertakings appointed to the public authority by the Indian Constitution in its Directive Principles, particularly those connecting with monetary and social redevelopment. The Directive Principles of State Policy ask upon the state to get residents’ right to sufficient method for occupation and control the imbalances in the responsibility for and implies overprotection. In this unique situation, the state is expected to guarantee development underway and its fair dissemination among the different segments of society. In this unique circumstance, the Planning Commission formulates plans for the entire nation and furthermore works as a warning arranging body at the pinnacle level. The significant elements of the Planning Commission, relegated according to the Government of India (Distribution of Business) Rules 1961, are as per the following:

  • It makes an evaluation of the material, capital, and HR of the nation, including specialized staff, and a plan of recommendations based on conceivable outcomes of increasing such assets that are viewed as insufficient.
  • Formulates an arrangement for compelling and adjusted usage of assets in the country.
  • Defines the stages where the arrangement ought to be done, and proposes the distribution of assets for the fruition of each stage.
  • Identify the variables, which will quite often hinder the monetary turn of events, and decide the circumstances, which considering what is going on ought to be established for the effective execution of the plan.
  • Determines the idea of hardware, or at least, fundamental for the execution of the Plan.
  • Appraises the advancement accomplished in the execution of each phase of [the Plan, and suggests the changes of arrangements and measures that such examination might demonstrate to be essential.
  • Makes interval or auxiliary suggestions, which seem, by all accounts, to be suitable either for working with the release of the obligations relegated to it or on a thought of winning circumstances, current arrangements, measures, and advancement programs or on an assessment of such unambiguous issues as might be alluded to it for exhortation by the Central or State Governments. 

In expansion to the previously mentioned capabilities, the Planning Commission has been endowed with the obligation in the accompanying issues:

  1. Public Cooperation in National Development;
  2. Specific projects for region advancement like Hill Area Development Program;
  3. Perspective Planning;
  4. Institute of Applied Manpower Research; and
  5. Overall Coordination of the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY).

The general coordination of the PMGY will be the obligation of the Planning Commission. Be that as it may, concerned nodal ministry department will be answerable for the general administration also, finitizing of the sectoral programs under PMGY.

It is clear from the above depiction that the Planning Commission has been made capable of practically all, parts of arranging, with the exception of execution. To devise a strategy, most importantly, a bunch of targets or objectives is arranged that are expected to accomplish the objective, for example, the development of public pay, a decrease in the level of jobless people, and so forth. Besides, the time period and the stages in which these objectives are to be accomplished are chosen. For choosing the previously mentioned stages one needs to assess the assets. Subsequent to assessing the assets, the Commission decides on a system to make the best usage of restricted assets. In this manner, the definition of an arrangement suggests the laying out of boundaries, time span, and stages; assessing the assets; and settling on a technique, which is the significant capability of the Planning Commission.

After the detailing of the plan, the focal services and the state legislatures execute the arrangement through their departments. The Planning Commission watches out for the advancement of the arrangement, distinguishes hindrances, and recommends therapeutic measures. It screens and assesses the arrangement. For this reason, it makes a post-mortem of the past arrangement and draws illustrations, which are utilized to fabricate ensuing plans. In this specific situation, the Programming Evaluation Organization (PEO), occasionally attempts assessment subtleties or fast investigations of the implementation of chosen advancement projects to survey the effect of that program. Subsequently, it helps the Planning Commission to r give valuable criticism to organizers and carry out offices that contribute to strategy making.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What was the job of the Planning Commission?


To concoct a game plan for the best and adjusted use of the nation’s assets. To characterize the stages, based on need, where the arrangement ought to be done and propose the designation of assets for the due fruition of each stage. 

Question 2: What is the job of the Planning Commission being developed in India?


In 1950, the public authority set up a Planning Commission to help plan and execute reasonable strategies for the financial turn of events. The commission needed to plan the jobs played by the confidential players and the public authority in a framework which was to be known as a blended economy framework

Question 3: Who presented Planning Commission in India?


Pandit Nehru was the primary Chairman of the Planning Commission. The initial Five-year Plan was sent off in 1951 and the resulting Five-year plans were formed till 1965 when a hole happened because of the conflict with Pakistan.