What is the scope of Web Testing ?

Web testing: Web testing or website application testing is the testing that is done before hosting or making your website live for general use to users. Web testing is done to find out the bugs and errors in your website that can lead to website failure in the future. 

The website testing checks for various criteria that are listed below:

Functional testing: It checks for different functions that are performed or offered by a website. It checks for different activities that a website can perform:

  • It tests the HTML and CSS that is been used to build the website.
  • It tests the forms that are present on the website.
  • It checks for the links of all types present on the web page.

Compatibility Testing: Compatibility testing is done on the basis of different contexts. The compatibility testing contexts are listed below in the list:

  • Based on Browser: It checks for the working of the website in different browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
  • Based on Operating systems: It checks for the compatibility of the website on different operating systems like: Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • Based on different devices: It checks for the working or display of the website on different devices such as Mobile, Tablet, and Big screen devices.

Usability testing: Usability testing is the most important testing that has to be done before deploying a website for live use. This testing is performed by users or a team of clients.

  • It checks the controls of the website.
  • Checks the content of web pages.
  • Checks whether the user requirements are satisfied or not.

Interface testing: Interface testing is done to check or verify the interface and the data flow from one system to another system. It checks for data flow from the Web server-side and Database server side.

  • Database Server: Here it checks for the data that is transported from the database is as required or not. It measures the correctness of the data that is delivered.
  • Web server: It will check for the webserver that it handles all the queries that are being asked by the users.

Performance testing: It checks for the performance of the website under different conditions.

  • It checks for the response time for any query at different connections speed.
  • It tests for the load that a website can handle under various conditions.
  • It checks for the performance of the website when the load exceeds the upper limit of the maximum load.
  • It checks for the recovery of the website after the breakdown of the website due to excessive load.

Database testing: Database testing is done to verify:

  • Whether the database executing the queries correctly or not.
  • The data integrity is maintained while performing operations on the data of the database like Creating, updating, and deleting the data.
  • Response time of queries to process.
  • The data that is visible on the webpage from the database should be correct.

Security testing: It checks for the security of the data stored at the backend of the website. The data stored must not be stolen does not given any unauthorized access to that. It verifies the following:

  • There will be no unauthorized access is given to the data stored.
  • The check sessions must be deleted after long inactivity to the page.
  • The restricted files should not be given access to download without any appropriate access.

Crowd testing: It will check for the stability of the website when a large number of users are accessing the web page. It verifies the traffic that our website can handle at a time, If the website works well in this condition then the website is feasible to fulfill the requirements, otherwise, if it fails to handle the large traffic or crowd then developers have to work on it and modify it to resolve the errors.

After resolving the errors it is again tested for the same purpose until it fulfills the requirements.