What is the use of Proxy Object in JavaScript ?

In JavaScript, the Proxy object acts as a assistant for objects, allowing fine-grained control over their behavior when accessing or modifying properties. With Proxy, you can customize an object’s behavior, enforcing specific rules or implementing special actions.

For instance, you might employ a Proxy to ensure that when modifying a person’s age property, it must always be assigned a numerical value. This capability enables you to create objects with tailored behaviors, akin to having a dedicated assistant for managing your objects according to predefined rules.

Example: Here, we create an Proxy object that wraps around the targetObject. The handler has a get trap that logs a message when a property is accessed. When we access properties of the proxiedObject, the get trap is triggered, allowing us to customize the behavior accordingly.

// Creating a target object
const targetObject = {
    name: 'Alice',
    age: 25

// Creating a handler with a trap 
// for the get operation
const handler = {
    get: function (target, prop) {
        console.log(`Accessed property "${prop}"`);
        return target[prop];

// Creating a proxy object
const proxiedObject = 
    new Proxy(targetObject, handler);

// Interacting with the proxy
// Output: Accessed property "name", Alice

// Output: Accessed property "age", 25

Accessed property "name"
Accessed property "age"