What is the use of Single Quotes (”) & Double Quotes (“”) for Strings in JavaScript ?

In JavaScript, both single quotes ('') and double quotes ("") can be used to create strings, and they are interchangeable in most situations. However, there are a couple of differences worth noting:

  • Quoting Inside Strings: If your string contains an apostrophe (single quote) and you use double quotes to define the string, you won’t need to escape the apostrophe, and vice versa.
    let singleQuoted = 'He said, "Hello!"';
    let doubleQuoted = "He said, 'Hello!'";
  • Nested Quoting: If you need to use both types of quotes inside a string, you can alternate between them or use the backslash (\) as an escape character.
    let mixedQuotes1 = 'This is a string with "double quotes" inside.';
    let mixedQuotes2 = "This is a string with 'single quotes' inside.";
    let mixedQuotes3 = 'This is a string with \'single quotes\' and "double quotes" inside.';