What is Tuple in TypeScript ?

A tuple is a type in TypeScript that is used to represent an array in which the type of a fixed number of elements is known, but not for all the elements. It provides a way to represent the ordered set of the element types for certain elements in a TypeScript array. A tuple always has a fixed number of elements and each one of them has their types associated with them.


const tupleName: [ type1, type2, type3 ];

Example: The below code will explain the use of the tuple in TypeScript with its practical implementation.


const myTuple:
    [number, string, boolean] =
    [2009, "GFG", true];
console.log("Boolean value: ", myTuple[2], ",",
    "String Value: ", myTuple[1], ",",
    "Number Value: ", myTuple[0]);


Boolean value: true, String Value: GFG, Number Value: 2009