When to Use Deque Instead of Vector in C++?

In C++, both deque and vector are sequence containers that can be used to store collections of elements. However, there are some cases where using deque can be more beneficial than using vector. In this article, we will learn when to use deque instead of vector in C++.

When to Prefer Deque Instead of Vector?

Choosing between a std::vector and std::deque depends on specific requirements such as the size of the collection, performance considerations, and ease of use. The following are the cases where using deque in place of vector is more advantageous:

1. Efficient Insertion and Deletion at Both Ends

Unlike vectors, deque allows efficient insertion and deletion of elements at both ends using deque::push_back, deque::push_front, deque::pop_front, and deque::pop_back methods which makes deque a better choice when we need to perform these operations frequently.


// C++ Program to use deque for efficient insertion and
// deletion operations in C++

#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    deque<int> dq;

    // Insert from both ends

    // Print deque elements
    cout << "Deque Elements: ";
    for (int x : dq) {
        cout << x << " ";
    // Remove elements from both ends
    // Print deque elements
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Deque Elements after Deletion: ";
    for (int x : dq) {
        cout << x << " ";

    return 0;

Deque Elements: 5 10 15 
Deque Elements after Deletion: 10 

2. Storing Large Objects with Expensive Copy Operations

If we want to store large objects the deque is a better choice than vectors because deque doesn’t require contiguous memory, it can avoid costly memory reallocation and copying during resizing, leading to better performance and reduced overhead compared to vector.


// C++ Program to store large objects in the deque

#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class LargeObject {
    int id;
    string name;

    LargeObject(int id, string name)
        this->id = id;
        this->name = name;

    //  Function to display information about the
    //  LargeObject
    void display() const
        cout << "ID: " << id << ", Name: " << name << endl;

int main()
    deque<LargeObject> dq;

    // Add large objects to deque without worrying about
    // expensive copying overhead
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            LargeObject(i, "Object_" + to_string(i)));

    // Printing information about the objects stored in
    // deque
    cout << "Deque Elements: " << endl;
    for (const auto& obj : dq) {
    return 0;

Deque Elements: 
ID: 0, Name: Object_0
ID: 1, Name: Object_1
ID: 2, Name: Object_2
ID: 3, Name: Object_3
ID: 4, Name: Object_4

3. Minimizing Reallocation Overhead

Deque allocates memory in smaller chunks whereas in vectors, memory is allocated in contiguous memory locations. This segmented storage approach of deque reduces the need for frequent reallocation and copying of elements when it grows in size dynamically. So, a deque offers better performance in scenarios where dynamic resizing and minimizing reallocation overhead is important.