Where do you place a decimal in a whole number?

The number system expresses the numbers of a number line in the form of figures or words. Decimal number system, binary number system, octal number system, and hexadecimal system are some general number systems used for the expression of mathematical figures. The number system is a method of expressing numbers within different sets with help of symbols and figures.

These numeric values participate in mathematical operations like summation, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Numbers are applicable in all disciplines like marketing, sales, trading, weather forecasting, media management, etc.


Numbers are mathematical figures that express certain values. Multiple or single digits involved in the numbers are the ones that form a number. Real numbers, complex numbers, natural numbers, whole numbers, prime numbers, etc. are some of the types of numbers present in a number system. Lets take a look at what whole numbers and decimal are,

Whole numbers

A set of numbers positive integers along with zero without fractions are the whole numbers. The set includes all the counting numbers. The counting of numbers starts from 0, 1, 2, 3,… and so on in the set. 0, 35, 100, 1000, and any other counting number is a part of whole numbers. The set of whole numbers does not include fractions and decimal values.


A decimal is a way of representing fractions. Decimal is symbolized by a dot (.) which is known as a decimal point. The decimals are the preceding value of powers of 10. As we move from left to right in a figure, the place value of digits gets divided by 10.

Where do you place a decimal in a whole number?


A decimal number consists of a whole number and fractional value which are placed to the left of the decimal point.

The whole numbers are placed to the right from the decimal point. For example, if 25 is a whole number it can also be written as 25.00 in which the right part from the decimal point is a whole number, and the fractional value placed to the left from the decimal point is not required to be expressed or can also be stated that whole numbers do not carry any decimals or fractions with them.

Sample Problems

Question 1: Is 0.2 a whole number?


0.2 is not a whole number because it is a decimal value and whole numbers do not include any fractions or decimal values.

Question 2: Is 0 a whole number?


Yes, 0 is a whole number because whole numbers are the set of natural numbers including zero.

Question 3: Which part is the whole number in a decimal value?


The part before the decimal point is the whole number and the part after the decimal value is the fractional value.

Question 4: Is 0.6 a whole number?


0.6 is not a whole number because it is a decimal value and whole numbers do not include any fractions or decimal values.

Question 5: What is the fraction of decimal number 0.875?


The fraction of 0.875 is 7/8.