Which way does the Earth rotate?

Answer: The Earth rotates from west to east which is anti-clockwise.

Imagine yourself standing at the North Pole, as you look down at the Earth, it rotates counterclockwise or anticlockwise (west to east) and if you look up from the South Pole then it appears to rotate clockwise (east to west). This rotation is responsible for the cycle of day and night. As the Earth spins different parts receive sunlight creating daylight while others face away experiencing darkness.

The axis around which the Earth rotates passes through the North Pole and South Pole. This axial rotation not only influences day and night but also affects the planet’s shape. The centrifugal force created by the Earth’s rotation causes a slight bulge around the equator making the planet more oblate or flattened at the poles.

This rotation has profound effects on weather patterns, ocean currents and the distribution of sunlight across the globe. The Eastward rotation gives us the sensation of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.