Why do we need to declare the <ul> & <ol> tags in HTML ?

The <ul> tag is used to create an unordered list. It is used to make a list in those situations where the ordering of list items is not significant. On the other hand, the <ol> tag is to create an ordered list. As the name implies, it is used in those situations where list items are maintained order-wise. Every list has one or more list elements which are represented using the <li> tag.

In this article, we will learn about the usage of both <ul> and <ol> tags while creating the list in the HTML document.

HTML Unordered List: The <ul> tag is used to create an unordered/bulleted list in the HTML document. It is used to group items of particular information where the order is not important like the menu card of a restaurant, features of a product, etc.

The <ul> tag is paired tag so it must have starting <ul> and closing</ul> tags. The list elements are marked using <li> tag which is empty/unpaired tag i.e., closing </li> tag is optional. These are block elements, so the line break is automatically inserted below and above the tags.


<ul type="disc">
    <li> List element1 </li>
    <li> List element2 </li>

Attribute Values:

  • disc: solid disc appears before the list element
  • circle: empty circle appears before the list element
  • square: solid square appears before the list element
  • none: noting will appear

Note: If you have not specified any type attribute then by default, a solid disc appears before the list elements.

Example 1: This is a simple example that will illustrate the list in an unordered form.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Unordered List</title>
    <h2>Unordered List</h2>
    <ul type="circle">
        <li>Social Sciences</li>


Example 2: This example will illustrate the use of a nested form of an unordered list. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Nested Unordered List</title>
    <h2>Nested Unordered List</h2>
    <ul type="circle">
        <li>Programming Languages
            <ul type="square">
        <ul type="square">
            <li>System Software</li>
            <li>Application Software</li>


HTML Ordered List: The <ol> is used to create an ordered/numbered list in the HTML document. It is used to group items of information in a specific order like instructions to install application software etc.

The <ol> tag is paired tag so it must have starting <ol> and closing</ol> tags. The list elements are marked using <li> tag which is empty/unpaired tag i.e., closing </li> tag is optional. These are block elements, so the line break is automatically inserted below and above the tags.


<ol type="1">
    <li> List element1 </li>
    <li> List element2 </li>

Attribute Values:

  • number: Numbers will appear before the list element ex: 1, 2, 3.
  • lowercase letters: Lowercase Letters will appear before the list element ex: a, b, c.
  • Uppercase letters: Uppercase Letters will appear before the list element ex: A, B, C.
  • Lowercase Roman: Lowercase Roman will appear before the list element ex: i, ii, iii.
  • Uppercase Roman: Uppercase Roman will appear before the list element ex: I, II, III.

Note: If you have not specified any type attribute then by default, Numbers will appear before the list elements specified with <li> tag when the webpage is viewed in a web browser. 

Example 1: This is a simple example that will illustrate the list in an ordered form.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Ordered List</title>
    <h2>Ordered List</h2>
    <ol type="1" start="2">
        <li type="a"> Desktop
        <li type="A" value="6">Laptop
        <li type="i">Tablet
        <li type="I">Mobile Phone


Example 2: This example will illustrate the use of a nested form of an ordered list. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Nested Ordered List</title>
    <h2>Nested Ordered List</h2>
        <li> Programming Languages
            <ol type="A">
        <li> Softwares
            <ol type="I">
                <li>System Software
                <li>Application Software


We can also use both ordered and unordered lists at the same list and create a nested list.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Nested Ordered and Unordered List</title>
    <h2>Nested Ordered and Unordered List</h2>
        <li> Programming Languages
            <ol type="i">
        <li> Softwares
            <ul type="square">
                <li>System Software
                <li>Application Software
