Why do Whole Numbers Start from 0?

Answer: Whole numbers start from 0 because zero is a whole number.

Whole numbers are a set of numbers that include all the natural numbers (counting numbers) along with zero. They are non-negative integers and do not include fractions or decimals.

Why is Zero a Whole Number?

Zero is considered a whole number because it satisfies the defining characteristics of whole numbers which are as follows:

  1. Non-Negative Integer: Whole numbers are non-negative integers, which means they are greater than or equal to zero. Zero fits this criterion perfectly as it is neither positive nor negative.
  2. Closure under Addition and Subtraction: When you add or subtract whole numbers, including zero, the result is always a whole number. For example, 3 + 0 = 3 and 5 – 0 = 5.
  3. Zero is not a Fraction nor Decimal: Unlike fractions or decimals, zero is a whole number, further solidifying its classification in this set.