Why is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981?

From 1981, the growth rate started to gradually decrease in the context of India. There are various factors that led to the changes in the demographic scenarios of the world. Some of the most well-known of which are cited below:

  1.  Planned parenting measures were taken, which led to a decrease in the birth rate. 
  2.  Awareness of the advantages of a small family began to be recognized.
  3.  There has been an increase in nuclear families which have adopted the small family norm. 
  4. Government support of family planning program.

Major components of population declination

Mortality is the number of deaths per thousand persons per year and an important component of population characteristics. The main cause of India’s population growth rate was the rapid decline in the death rate. Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories. Migration can be internal (within a country) or international (between countries). Below are the reasons for which the rate of population in India declined since 1981:

  • After 1981, a decline in population growth was observed. Since 1981, the birth rate has declined sharply.
  • India has improved women’s education, improved their quality of life, and raised the mean age of marriage. Due to this, the birth rate was declined since 1981.
  • On the other side of population declination, India’s growth rate is still high.
  • Between 1951 and 1981 there was a population explosion in India.
  • In India, the period of stable population growth refers to the period from 1921 to 1951. This is due to lower mortality rates and improved sanitation and health sectors.

Age structure, Birth, and death rate

Age structure refers to the number of people in different age groups in a given population. Mortality is the number of deaths per thousand persons per year. The birth rate is the number of live births per thousand people per year.

Migration is a determinant factor of population declination

Migration is a determining factor below are the points describing the factors of population change:

  • Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories. Migration can be internal (within a country) or international (between countries). 
  • Migration is a determinant of population change because it changes its size and composition. 
  • Internal migration does not change the size of the population but affects the distribution of population within a nation. 
  • Due to migration millions of people’s already left India and settled there with their families. This affects the population of India.
  •  We have also seen the enhancement of adequate sex education and the rise of women’s education.

Frequently asked questions

Question 1: What is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981?


The birth rate has been declining since 1981. As a result, population growth gradually declined

  • In 1981 the population was 712,869,298 and the growth rate was 2.30%.
  • During 2022 the population is 1,417,173,173 and the growth rate is 0.68%. 
  • So we can clearly measure that the growth rate is declining since 1981. 

Question 2: What is the major factor of growth declination?


Controlling the birth rate through government policies that raise public awareness and also increase the literacy rate of the population is the major factor of growth declination.