Why should we accept the constitution made by Constituent Assembly more that 70 years ago?

After the independence of the nation, the first thing, which was required the most was the kind of constitution that could lead to the well-being of the nation as well as the people of the country. In the presence of the British government, the people of India suffered a lot. So this time, they desired to build a kind of constitution, which can give them basic and moral rights to lead their lives freely as well as help the nation grow.  

In July 1946, the British Prime minister, named Clement Richard Attlee, sent a cabinet mission plan. The election was held in order to elect the constituent assembly. And as a  result, in November 1946, the constituent assembly was formed. It was largely the grouping of the famous political leaders and freedom fighters of that time. The members were the representatives of various provinces of the nation. With the help of the Constituent Assembly, on 26, January 1950, the constitution of India was introduced.

Reasons for the prevalence of Importance of Constitution

It reflects a broad agreement of its time

The constitution of India doesn’t only speak about the views of the members of the assembly alone, instead, it represents the thoughts of the whole nation. It is seen that, in many countries, there are conflicts between major political groups and social structures in regard to the constitution. But, the Indian constitution is different in this matter. In the last few decades, it never faced any major issues in regard to the constitution and its laws. therefore, It reflects a broad agreement of the time.

It represents the voice of the people of India

At that time, there was no global adult franchise. And it was rather difficult to elect the constituent assembly directly through the people of India. As a  result, members were chosen through the members of existing Provincial Legislatures. This means that the members from all regions of the country had a fair geographical representation. Therefore, the members of the constituent assembly were the representatives of the people of India.

Assembly members were largely freedom activists and major political leaders

Although the assembly was dominated by the Congress Party, the members of the assembly were mostly the leaders and significant freedom fighters, who largely belongs to the different parts of the country. Even the congress itself included a variety of political parties in order to different opinions. So naturally, the constitution was made without any power or influence and was completely in accord with the people and their opinions.

Consensual and systematic working

The working of the constituent assembly is sacred. It works in a systematic way and with consensuality. Its working process is open and partial. So, it is acceptable and can be followed in the long run.

Rationality behind every provision of Constitution

The working manner of the constituent assembly is sacred and open. It works systematically. At first, some basic draft lines were prepared for further discussion by the drafting committee. After going through several rounds, the discussion took place on the draft constitution clause by clause. The process went through the “constituent debating”. Every document and presented word were being recorded. And finally, these debates provided a rational and well-discussed constitutional structure. Which can be of course trusted for a long time.

Constitution supports diversity of India

while making the constitution, the constitutional assembly attached great attention to the diversity of India. be it the caste, religion, or the different languages, everything was included in the constitution briefly.  the constitution supports the basic values and ethics of the nation and its people.

Sample Questions

Question 1: How was the constituent assembly formed?


While India was still under the rule of the British government, the British Prime minister, named Clement Richard Attlee, sent a cabinet mission plan, according to which, the election was held, in order to select the members of the constituent assembly. As a result,  in November 1946, the constituent assembly was established. The majority of the members were either well-known social figures or freedom fighters. These members were the representatives of different provinces of the country.

Question 2: How many days was taken by the Constituent Assembly to assemble the frame of the Constitution?


The Indian constitution was drafted by the constituent assembly over a period of around 2 years, 11 months, and 17 days. The amount of money used to draught the constitution was Rs. 64 lakhs.

Question 3: How many members were there in the  Constituent Assembly to constitute the Indian Constitution?


There were 299 members of the Constituent Assembly, which drafted the Indian Constitution. The Constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949, but it came into the effect on 26 January 1950. The Provincial Legislative Councils selected the members of the Constituent Assembly.