Why So Many Successful People Wear The Same Outfit Every Day?

Let me first ask you another set of questions. Why do you have an urge to dress up differently daily? Why do you spend hours thinking about what to wear to work/party/meetings? Don’t you have an answer to that?

Many successful people wear the same outfit every day because they don’t have to prove their worth. They have tons of other things to think about other than what people think of them if they wear the same outfit daily.

Anyway, now that you are here, let us give you 5 reasons why so many successful people wear the same outfit every day:

1. So They Have Fewer Decisions To Make

Our brain uses a lot of our energy in making decisions; therefore, our tendency to make valuable decisions decreases when we spend most of our helpful energy making trivial decisions in the morning.

Decision Fatigue is a term coined by the social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister signifies that after making many decisions, a person’s ability to make further decisions becomes worse. So, most successful people understand this concept and prefer to limit their decision-making opportunities. Hence, by choosing the same clothes every day, they can save their energy to make critical decisions during the day.

2. So They Have To Spend Less Money

Have you found yourself indulging in impulse buying when you see big fat sales? If so, you have another reason to substantiate why successful people wear the same clothes. It’s simple – they save themselves a considerable chunk of money by not having to run after sales or trends.

Now you must be thinking that these business tycoons and celebrities have no shortage of money, so why do they have to think about spending less on clothes? Well, you are right. But people are successful and wealthy because they buy assets with their money. They don’t have to prove their worth by showing their riches. After all,

Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money. – Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

3. So They Have More Time

Another quote from The Psychology of Money will better help you understand this reason.

Use money to gain control over your time, because not having control of your time is such a powerful and universal drag on happiness. The ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want to, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance.

Because the “successful” people you talk about own their time and respect it over anything else is what gives them success and riches. They save loads of time by not spending even a minute thinking about what to wear. Having power over your time is the biggest thing you can achieve. The moment you start valuing every minute of the day, you will empower yourself.

4. So They Have Less Stress

Stress refers to the situation of too many demands and not enough resources – time, money, energy – to meet them. How often have you stressed over having the same set of clothes for a function/date/meeting? Is this the kind of stress you encounter daily? If so, you need to know that wearing the same clothes won’t make you any less intelligent. Your worth lies in what ideas and thoughts you bring to the table.

All the successful people out there know this in their heads and hearts. They can move about in pajamas, and no one would respect them any less. They have plenty of other things to be stressed about than what they wear on the day. So, the next time you find yourself stressed over your outfit, Google images of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, or Albert Einstein.

5. And Yes, So They Have An Iconic Style

Do you know that when you wear the same set of clothes daily for decades, you send out a message that this is your iconic style? Hence, the outfit becomes a brand image and gives identity to your overall appearance. How fascinating could it be to be recalled as you are because you have worn the same colored clothes every day? Wouldn’t you recall former Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh in a blue turban? Or wouldn’t you recall Barack Obama in a black/navy blue suit?

A personalized style makes you stand out as you have no fear of fashion trends because you follow your classic style and feel comfortable in it. All the successful people look confident about their looks as they have created them by putting in some time and effort. But once they have got their style intact, they stick to it no matter what.

So now you know why most of the successful people wear the same outfit every day. We ask you, would you work on building your go-to daily outfit? Start today by creating a minimal wardrobe and gradually shifting to one outfit/style.