Why Spiral Model is called Meta Model?

The Spiral Model is a well-known and widely used software development model. It has a unique approach to handling the complexities of software development, which sets it different from other models like Waterfall or Agile. It encapsulates the essence of other software development models while providing a flexible framework for iterative and risk-driven project management. This makes the spiral model referred to as a “meta model.” A meta model is a superior, higher-level model that has the structure and principles of other software development life cycle models. In general, a meta model serves as a model of models, facilitating a comprehensive and unified perspective on a subject or system.

Why Spiral Model is called the Meta Model?

The spiral model is not restricted to a fixed number of development phases. Instead, it supports that different sets of phases may be required for different projects, based on the complexity and application of the software/product. In a single iteration, these are the four phases:

1. Planning

It is the first phase of each iteration, which involves the identification of project objectives, requirement analysis, and alternative approaches. It is a crucial phase where the scope and constraints are redefined for the current iteration. It sets the foundation for the subsequent stages.

2. Risk Analysis

This stage emphasizes risk assessment and mitigation. It involves a detailed analysis of potential risks and the development of strategies to address/eliminate these risks. It also sets the groundwork of engineering activities simultaneously. It follows that the potential challenges should be detected early to make informed decisions before actually developing the software.

3. Engineering and Construction

Now the risks are identified and eliminated, the actual product development happens at this phase. It involves coding and development based on the decisions made during risk analysis. It represents the core development process, targeting to turn the project’s design into a tangible product.

4. Evaluation and Planning

This phase comes after the development of the product. The completed product is evaluated against the project objectives, customer feedback can be taken and improvisations are planned for the next iteration. This phase sets the stage for continuous improvement and refinement. The continuous refinement is also useful when the customer does not have clear objectives for the the project or if they keeps adding additional functionalities during the development process.

This model will help to introduce new objectives during the planning phase. It can accommodate activities from various methodologies, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. This adaptability is one of the reasons it is considered as a meta-model.

Each phase is depicted as a spiral, signifying the iterative and cyclical nature of the model.

The spiral model


The Spiral Model is versatile, identifies and mitigates the risks and keeps the development process iterative. These characteristics makes it a meta-model among the various software life cycle development models. It encapsulates the core principles of various software development methodologies, along with introducing risk handling and evolutionary development process. It’s flexibility to adapt with changing project needs and its focus on continuous improvement make it a superior approach to software development.