Wine Dataset in Sklearn

The Wine Recognition dataset is a classic benchmark dataset widely used in machine learning for classification tasks. It provides valuable insights into wine classification based on various chemical attributes. In this article, we delve into the characteristics, attributes, and significance of the Wine Recognition dataset, along with its applications in research and practical implementations.

Table of Content

  • Understanding Wine Dataset
    • Characteristics of Wine Dataset
  • Types of Wine Datasets
    • 1. Chemical Composition Datasets
    • 2. Sensory Evaluation Datasets
  • How to load Wine Dataset using Sklearn?
  • Significance of Wine Dataset in Machine Learning
  • Application of Wine Dataset
  • Challenges and Considerations of Wine Datasets

Understanding Wine Dataset

The original Wine dataset was created by Forina, M. et al, as part of the PARVUS project, an Extendible Package for Data Exploration, Classification, and Correlation, conducted at the Institute of Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis and Technologies, Genoa, Italy.

The wine dataset contains the results of a chemical analysis of wines grown in three different regions in Italy. Specifically, it includes 13 attributes derived from measurements of various constituents found in the wines. These attributes typically include factors like alcohol content, acidity levels, and concentrations of different chemical compounds such as phenols and flavonoids. These attributes provide valuable insights into the chemical composition of wines and can be utilized for wine classification tasks.

Characteristics of Wine Dataset

The Wine recognition dataset possesses several key characteristics that make it well-suited for classification tasks and machine learning experimentation. These characteristics provide insights into the dataset’s structure, size, and the nature of the data it contains.

Number of Instances:


Number of Attributes:

13 numeric, predictive attributes and the class

Attribute Information:

  • Alcohol
  • Malic acid
  • Ash
  • Alcalinity of ash
  • Magnesium
  • Total phenols
  • Flavanoids
  • Nonflavanoid phenols
  • Proanthocyanins
  • Color intensity
  • Hue
  • OD280/OD315 of diluted wines
  • Proline

Three classes corresponding to the wine’s origin:

  1. Class 1: Wines from the first region (denoted as “class_0”)
  2. Class 2: Wines from the second region (denoted as “class_1”)
  3. Class 3: Wines from the third region (denoted as “class_2”)

The Wine recognition dataset is commonly used for supervised learning tasks, particularly classification algorithms. Researchers and practitioners often employ machine learning techniques to build models that can accurately predict the origin of wines based on their chemical composition.

How to load Wine Dataset using Sklearn?

The sklearn.datasets.load_wine() function allows you to load the Wine dataset directly into NumPy arrays or pandas DataFrame objects. By setting the return_X_y and as_frame parameters, you can control the format of the returned data.

Syntax: sklearn.datasets.load_wine(*, return_X_y=False, as_frame=False)

In the following code, we utilize the pandas library to load the wine dataset from scikit-learn’s built-in datasets module. It converts the dataset into a pandas DataFrame, allowing easy manipulation and analysis.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine

# Load the wine dataset into a DataFrame
wine_data = load_wine(as_frame=True)
wine_df = wine_data.frame


# Display the shape of the DataFrame
print("Shape of the Wine DataFrame:", wine_df.shape)


   alcohol  malic_acid   ash  alcalinity_of_ash  magnesium  total_phenols  \
0    14.23        1.71  2.43               15.6      127.0           2.80   
1    13.20        1.78  2.14               11.2      100.0           2.65   
2    13.16        2.36  2.67               18.6      101.0           2.80   
3    14.37        1.95  2.50               16.8      113.0           3.85   
4    13.24        2.59  2.87               21.0      118.0           2.80   

   flavanoids  nonflavanoid_phenols  proanthocyanins  color_intensity   hue  \
0        3.06                  0.28             2.29             5.64  1.04   
1        2.76                  0.26             1.28             4.38  1.05   
2        3.24                  0.30             2.81             5.68  1.03   
3        3.49                  0.24             2.18             7.80  0.86   
4        2.69                  0.39             1.82             4.32  1.04   

   od280/od315_of_diluted_wines  proline  target  
0                          3.92   1065.0       0  
1                          3.40   1050.0       0  
2                          3.17   1185.0       0  
3                          3.45   1480.0       0  
4                          2.93    735.0       0  
Shape of the Wine DataFrame: (178, 14)

Significance of Wine Dataset in Machine Learning

Data related to wine is a well-known dataset in machine learning, commonly used for different purposes in ML, especially in classification problem. Below are a few typical uses of wine information in machine learning:

  1. Wine Quality Prediction: One popular use case involves predicting wine quality by analyzing acidity, sugar content, pH level, alcohol content, and other features. Machine learning techniques such as decision trees, random forests, SVM, or neural networks can be utilized with labeled wine data for this prediction task.
  2. Wine Type Classification: Wine information may assist in categorizing wines according to their features, such as red, white, or rose varieties. For this task, you can use classification algorithms like logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors (KNN), or neural networks.
  3. Recommendation Systems: Wine information can be used in recommendation systems to propose wines to users depending on their preferences and previous actions. Collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, or a combination of both can be used for this task.

Application of Wine Dataset

Wine data is an extended simple complete data set which can be used for a number of machine learning and data analysis applications, especially with regards to predictive tasks. Here are some key areas where they shine:Here are some key areas where they shine:

  • Wine Quality Prediction: Through cutting-edge chemical properties and taste evaluation of wine, machine learning models can be created with the highest level of precision as predicted. This in turn helps wineries to maintain optimal production and consumers to get access to the best wines.
  • Wine Recommendation Systems: The wine datasets might be employed to create a recommendation system which can offer wines tailor-made to the taste of the consumer who can select the wines on the basis of previously purchased them. Besides, characteristics like Czech, region, and cost can be taken into consideration in order to make the customer service instrument more user-friendly.
  • Wine Price Prediction: Machine learning algorithms can be made after evaporating wine prices and considering the quality, grape type, and region criteria. Such information will help them decide what they want to buy, either from retailers or cellars if they are collectors.
  • Wine Classification by Origin: It is the chemical composition patterns that will be able to identify the reliability of the wine based on its geographic origin. By these methods, it can be easy to determine the real thing or to study the individual varietals to the local region of production.
  • Market Research and Consumer Insights: Vinyl analysis can help you understand what consumers like, which wines are high-selling, and which grape types are popular. The data are vital for winemakers, distributors, and stores as they need to fine-tune and customize their offerings to the requirements of consumers.

Challenges and Considerations of Wine Datasets

Some of the common challenges and consideration of wine dataset are as follows:

  • Class Imbalance: The distribution of wine quality or type might be uneven, with some categories heavily outweighing others. This can lead to biased models.
  • Data Quality and Standardization: Datasets may come from various sources with inconsistent measurement methods. Inhomogeneity and missing information can cause misinterpretations.
  • Sensory Data Subjectivity: Sensory analysis data, relying on human tasters, is inherently subjective due to individual variations in taste and cultural biases.
  • Limited Scope: Datasets often focus on chemical composition or sensory evaluation, neglecting crucial factors like grape variety, vineyard characteristics, and winemaking techniques, which significantly impact wine quality.


In conclusion, the Wine Recognition dataset is a valuable resource for machine learning tasks, particularly classification. It provides insights into wine quality and origin based on chemical makeup. While challenges like class imbalance and limited scope exist, the dataset offers applications in wine quality prediction, recommendation systems, and market research.

FAQs – Wine Dataset

How accurate is the wine dataset?

The accuracy of a wine dataset depends on the specific data it contains and how it was collected. Datasets with well-documented sources, standardized measurement methods, and minimal missing information are generally more reliable.

What are the key features of the wine quality dataset?

Common features in wine quality datasets include chemical properties like fixed acidity, volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulfur dioxide levels. Some datasets may also include sensory analysis data with information on taste and aroma.

What is the sample size for the wine quality dataset?

The sample size of wine quality datasets varies. A popular dataset on Kaggle contains around 1500 data points, but others can be much larger or smaller depending on the study’s scope.

How many classes are in a wine dataset?

The number of classes depends on the dataset’s purpose. Some datasets classify wine quality (e.g., good, bad, excellent), while others might classify wine type (e.g., red, white, rose) or even grape variety (e.g., Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay).