Wipro NLTH Interview Experience (On Campus)

Wipro arrived at our college through their National Talent Hunt Hiring process looking for web developers and software engineers. Applicants were supposed to register through superset.

Online Assessment (128 minutes):

  • Quants/Reasoning Ability Section: This section had a total of 52 questions following the pattern: 16 questions – Quants, 14 questions  – Logical, and 22 questions – Verbal. You can easily do this round if you can manage the time.  The questions were mostly easy and did not require a lot of calculations. One should be able to ace this section easily.
  • Coding Round: This was a pretty basic coding round. There were 2 extremely easy coding questions. In my opinion, there isn’t even a need to be fluent in Dynamic Programming or even DSA to clear this round.
    • Question 1: You are a teacher and have been assigned the responsibility to assign grades to the students based on their marks.  Anything less than 40 should be considered an F, between 40 and 60 E, between 60 and 70 D, between 70 and 80 C, between 80 and 90 B, and between 90 and 100 A. All ranges are inclusive. Write a code that takes an integer input and provides the corresponding grade output.
      • Approach: Simply put, if-else statements or a switch-case statement will suffice for this question.
    • Question 2: A customer buys, N number of products from a shop and each product has a different price. During the holiday season, the shop owner decides to introduce a special offer, He wishes to distribute gift hampers to customers who purchase products whose total is a perfect cube. Write an algorithm to print ‘Yes’ if the customer receives a fight hamper, else print an integer representing the amount that the customer should additionally spend to receive the hamper.
      • Approach: You can use pow to get the cube root of the given value. If the floor of the pow value is equal to the pow value then it is a perfect code. If it isn’t, then increment the floor of pow value by 1, find the cube of it, subtract it from the given value and print the value. {pow(1+floor(pow(value,1/3),3) — value }

Essay Round: The final round of the online assessment was a 20-minute essay. The topic for me was ‘Drawbacks of Technology’. I wrote about the forsaken playgrounds and the emerging issue of obesity amongst adolescents. 

In a week, you should get a notification from superset informing you of your interview date and time slot.

Virtual Interview  My slot for the interview was between 4 and 6 pm. Unfortunately, I was the last one on the list so I had to wait the full 2 hours for the interview. It was a short (15 minutes) and straightforward interview. I was asked the following questions:

  • Introduce yourself
    I had an answer ready and memorized for it. So, I just spoke my usual answer.
  • The number of technology-related projects you have worked on? 
    I have worked on more than 25 projects. The interviewer did not ask for further details.
  • Advantages of Java ( List at least 20)
    After listing the advantages of Java on other programming languages (I could only list around 8-10), the interviewer told me that he would consider the features of OOPS as advantages as well. I explained them thoroughly and added to them by explaining different relationships. 
  • What is a valid variable? Name any 40 keywords in java.
    Pretty straightforward question. Just don’t take too much pressure to name 40.
  • What is SQL? How is it better?
    Pretty straightforward again. After listing the advantages of databases over file-system, I moved on to comparing SQL and NoSQL databases. Then I wanted to carry forward with the advantages of normalization and the different normal forms but the interviewer intervened and told me that he was happy with the answer.
  • Why do we use functions?
    Just expand on the DRY principle.

In the end, the interviewer asked me if I have any questions for him. I have observed that my peers generally don’t ask any questions but recommend taking advantage of this situation and showing your intent to get the position. I usually ask, ” Given your experience working in <the company>. In your opinion, if I am offered the position, is there something/some technology that I should learn about or brush up on to gel into the work environment quickly? 

I usually get an answer from the interviewer,  but in this case, the interviewer told me that I would receive training on joining, hence I should not worry about it.

Verdict: Selected

Out of 66 applicants, 65 applicants were selected for the position. The one applicant who was rejected is a good friend of mine. On conversing with him, I comprehended that he did not have much experience in giving interviews and just cracked under the pressure. As you can see from the percentage of selected applicants, it isn’t something you should sweat about. Just remain calm and composed.
I ended up not taking the offer, I was offered a position by Amazon and LTI.

Tips for Interview Preparation

  • Consistency is key. Brush up on your DSA daily and keep on practicing coding questions. Work on building programming logic and developing a systematic technique to approach questions.  (utilize InterviewBit, LeetCode, GFG, and Hackerrank)
  • Work on your ability to write clean and comprehensible code on the first go ( without making logical or syntactical errors). Debugging is time-consuming, it will help you during interviews and tests.
  • Try to incorporate touch typing. My typing speed used to be around 30 WPM, It almost took me 8 months to turn it to 95 WPM, but I am certain that it helped me during the interviews. ( 10fastfingers, Keybr, and Typingclub are some useful resources)
  • Before the interview, read up on the company. Their principles, work culture, etc.
  • During the interview, always discuss the brute force logic before moving on to the more complex solution and ask as many clarification questions as you want. Even if you have attempted that question before, try to portray that you are attempting it for the first time.
  • Be calm, composed, and confident during the interview. It is not necessary to answer all the answers to the T. Even if nothing is striking you, keep speaking your thought process and plausible solutions. You might be close and even if you aren’t, at least, the interviewer would be able to interpret the way you approach problems.