WordPress vs Joomla: Comparing CMS Platforms in 2024

The Content Management System (CMS) selection for web development is essential, as it will create a user-friendly and appealing website. Even individuals without advanced computer programming skills can build websites using the CMSs. WordPress and Joomla are two of the best-known open-source CMS platforms.

Despite having many similarities in terms of being able to handle a wide variety of website requirements, each platform has its pros and cons that make it suitable for different types of users and projects. In this comprehensive comparison between WordPress and Joomla, we will investigate how easy they are to use, content management features, customization capabilities, scalability attributes, security concerns, community support, and their suitability for various site types. By carefully considering these factors one can decide on which CMS platform would be best suited to their needs in terms of creating or managing their websites effectively.

What is WordPress?

WordPress, which has an easy user interface and tutorial-like style of operation, is the most popular CMS in the world. It can be used to create a wide range of websites from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms. Whether you are a hobbyist blogger, an independent photographer with your portfolio, or a small business owner trying to establish an online presence, WordPress has the tools and features to help you bring your ideas into reality. Writing code is not necessary since this WYSIWYG editor allows you to build and edit content visually. It therefore becomes open for users who have no coding skills.

Additionally, WordPress comes with thousands upon thousands of plugins and themes that help you add more features to your website or change how it looks based on what you think suits it best according to your brand image. On the other hand, if one needs an online shop there are strong e-commerce plugins such as WooCommerce that merge smoothly with WordPress making it possible for one’s site to be transformed into a complete online store. Moreover, this platform can also cater to the future growth of websites easily by growing along with them over time.

What is Joomla?

On the other hand, Joomla has a different target within CMS. The system lets developers and proficient users create complex, feature-rich websites. It is through such modularity that Joomla can support custom functionalities and improved user experience via the assembly of extensions alongside modules. This makes it possible to create custom functionalities because its structure allows developers to assemble plugins as well as modules that will execute those functions. A site with complications like membership systems, and dynamic content needs among others can be built using Joomla.

For instance, a large educational institution with various departments, online courses, and user roles might leverage Joomla’s flexibility to build a comprehensive website tailored to its specific needs. Besides, security is at the core of Joomla’s design philosophy. Secure coding practices inform the development of its core code while built-in safety measures are included in mitigating vulnerabilities as they arise. This makes Joomla a dependable platform for websites handling sensitive data or requiring robust security measures.

WordPress vs Joomla: Comparing CMS Platforms

Both platforms have strong communities and support systems, but WordPress’s larger user base translates to more extensive resources and a broader range of support options. Joomla, while having a smaller community, still provides dedicated support and resources for its users. Here’s a comprehensive analysis that dissects WordPress and Joomla across various aspects:

1. Ease of Use


WordPress generally provides user-friendliness. It has an intuitive user interface and WYSIWYG editor that allows users to create and edit content visually, just like working in a word processing document. Beginners without any prior experience in creating websites can start building simple WordPress websites after learning the basics within a short period of time.

There is also an abundance of online documentation and tutorials that give learners step-by-step guidance on all kinds of tasks and how to overcome some very common problems.

Moreover, there is a vast ecosystem of pre-built themes and plugins which makes it even simpler to create websites. Users can choose from a wide range of themes to customize their sites’ look or add plugins for specific purposes without having to be coders themselves.


Joomla presents a steeper learning curve compared to WordPress. Its focus on customization and modularity necessitates some technical understanding or familiarity with web development concepts. While the core functionalities like content creation and editing are user-friendly.

Building complex websites with intricate features or custom functionalities might require users to possess some coding skills or collaborate with a developer.

2. Content Management


WordPress aims at a straightforward and user-friendly content management experience. The WYSIWYG editor allows users to create, edit and publish blog posts, pages and other content types with ease. Features like post scheduling, organizing contents into categories and comment moderation are basic in-built tools.

For small teams or individual authors, WordPress keeps its approach simple when managing content.

However, more complex content management requirements user access controls, fine-grained permission settings, and sophisticated editorial workflows (e.g., multi-stage approval processes) may necessitate the use of plugins that enhance these capabilities from WordPress.


Joomla is a content management system (CMS) that is strong enough to manage complex workflows and user rights.

This includes an interface tailored specifically to managing user roles, granting permissions, and defining content workflows which makes it possible for Joomla to cater for sites with several editors, contributors and different levels of access.

For instance, a large educational institution with numerous departments, instructors, and student contributors can leverage Joomla’s granular access controls to ensure each user has the appropriate permissions to create, edit, and publish content relevant to their role.

3. Customization


With a vast ocean of themes and plugins available WordPress is able to give users functionalities beyond what is provided by the basic installation package. Pre-designed themes come in different shapes like flat minimal layouts or any other creative-looking ones.

Plugins offer unlimited capabilities such as contact forms, e-commerce features, SEO optimization tools, or even integration with social media sites on your website. Even non-technical users find these ready-made components easy to install and configure hence making WordPress one of its kind when it comes to customization.


Joomla provides greater flexibility for developers to customize core functionalities and user experience through its modular structure. Unlike WordPress’s plugin-based approach.

Joomla allows developers to build custom modules and components to tailor the website’s functionalities to specific requirements. This approach offers immense flexibility but necessitates development expertise for creating custom features.

While Joomla’s theme and plugin selection is not as extensive as WordPress, it still offers robust options for customization. Developers can leverage these extensions alongside custom development to create feature-rich and visually appealing websites.

4. Scalability


WordPress is well-suited for blogs, portfolios, and small to medium-sized business websites. Its core functionalities and plugin architecture can handle the demands of these website types effectively.

Scalability limitations might arise for extremely large and complex websites with massive traffic volume or intricate data management needs. In such scenarios, managing a large number of plugins and ensuring compatibility can become cumbersome, potentially impacting website performance.


Joomla generally handles complex websites with extensive features and functionalities more effectively than WordPress. Its core architecture is designed to be more scalable, making it suitable for websites that anticipate significant growth and require robust features.

5. Security


On account of its widespread usage, WordPress can be used as an object for targeting security flaws. Website security is maintained through periodic plugin and theme updates.

Furthermore, picking themes and plugins from reliable developers and adhering to security best practices are vital strategies for warding off possible security threats.


Joomla has been built with strong safety measures at its core which makes it a reliable platform for mission-critical websites. Secure coding practices are emphasized by Joomla’s development team and they have put in place some internal security features that handle common vulnerabilities. However, it is still important to do regular updates and follow security best practices to ensure the website is most secure.

6. Community and Support


  • Large Community: Extensive community support due to its popularity.
  • Active Forums and Groups: Numerous forums and groups for help and advice.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is available for users.
  • Third-party Resources: Plenty of tutorials and guides from third-party sources.
  • Official Support: Paid support options are available for advanced help.


  • Dedicated Community: Active community providing support and resources.
  • Forums and Discussion Boards: Platforms for users to seek help and share knowledge.
  • Official Documentation: Detailed documentation for users and developers.
  • Third-party Extensions: Additional resources and tutorials from third-party developers.
  • Professional Support: Paid support options for advanced assistance.

WordPress vs Joomla – Comparison Table




Community Size

Very large, due to its popularity

Smaller compared to WordPress, but dedicated

Forums and Groups

Active forums and groups for support

Similar forums and discussion boards


Comprehensive documentation available

Detailed documentation provided

Third-party Resources

Plenty of tutorials and guides available

Additional resources and tutorials available

Official Support

Paid support options available

Paid support options for advanced assistance

Extension Ecosystem

Extensive plugin ecosystem for additional features

Robust extension ecosystem for customizations

Learning Curve

Easy for beginners with minimal technical knowledge

Steeper learning curve, more developer-oriented


Highly flexible with various themes and plugins

Flexible with custom modules and components

SEO Friendliness

SEO-friendly with plugins and optimization tools

SEO-friendly with built-in features and extensions

Mobile Responsiveness

Responsive design themes and plugins available

Mobile-friendly templates and extensions


Vulnerable to attacks due to popularity, requires regular updates

Strong core security, but updates are still necessary

Content Management

User-friendly interface for content management

Advanced content management capabilities


Easy customization with themes and plugins

Customizable through modules and components.


The necessary selection of the perfect Content Management System (CMS) allows you to create a website that is user-friendly and appealing. In this extensive analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of WordPress and Joomla have been discussed in different ways. In terms of beginner friendliness as well as having numerous themes and plugins present, WordPress wins hands down while Joomla is aimed at developers and complex sites through its modular design along with robust security features. Eventually, it all comes down to the purpose, complexity of your website, and your expertise in technical matters. If these aspects are put into consideration then one can be able to make an informed choice on which CMS platform will make his or her site successful.