50+ Words That Start With R: Check their Meaning

Like any other language, English has a rich and diverse vocabulary of over a hundred and thousand words. There are 26 alphabets in English, out of which ‘R’ is placed at the 18th number. Over a thousand words start with the letter ‘R’, the most popular ones being Rain, Rat, Rabbit, Run, Request, etc. There are a total of 21 consonants in the English language, out of which ‘R’ is one of them. In this blog, we will provide you with a list of 100+ words that start with R.

50+ Words That Start With ‘R’

There are a total of 5567 English words that start with the letter ‘R’. Below we have highlighted the 100 most popular words that start with ‘R’. Check them out to understand their meaning and how to use them in sentences.


Meaning: to emit rays or spread out from a central point

Example: The sun’s warmth radiated through the room.


Meaning: inclined to keep silent or not speak freely; reserved

Example: Despite being reticent, she expressed her thoughts eloquently in writing.


Meaning: to summarize or repeat the main points of something

Example: The professor asked the students to recapitulate the key concepts from the lecture.


Meaning: a state of rest or tranquillity

Example: After a busy day, finding a moment of repose was essential for her well-being.


Meaning: a revival or renewal, especially of activity or interest

Example: There has been a resurgence of interest in traditional crafts and arts.


Meaning: a meeting at an agreed time and place

Example: The couple had a romantic rendezvous at their favourite cafe.


Meaning: strong, healthy, and vigorous

Example: Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a robust physical condition.


Meaning: mutual exchange or cooperation

Example: The success of any partnership relies on reciprocity and collaboration.


Meaning: exceeding what is necessary or normal; superfluous

Example: The additional details in the report were deemed redundant and were removed.


Meaning: to consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position

Example: Due to budget cuts, some employees were reluctantly relegated to part-time status.


Meaning: to express disapproval or disappointment

Example: She couldn’t help but reproach him for forgetting their anniversary.


Meaning: abundantly supplied or well-filled

Example: The buffet was replete with a variety of delicious dishes.


Meaning: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks

Example: The athlete’s resilience helped him bounce back from a career-threatening injury.


Meaning: seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation

Example: The writer lived a reclusive life in a cabin in the woods.


Meaning: to reject or disown; to refuse to accept or be associated with

Example: The company had to repudiate the false claims made by a former employee.


Meaning: thorough, accurate, and demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

Example: The training program was rigorous, preparing participants for the challenging task ahead.


Meaning: stubbornly resistant to authority or control

Example: The recalcitrant student refused to follow the classroom rules.


Meaning: to voluntarily give up or surrender

Example: She had to reluctantly relinquish her position due to health reasons.


Meaning: to duplicate or reproduce

Example: Scientists attempted to replicate the experiment to validate the results.


Meaning: occurring repeatedly or frequently

Example: The recurrent issue of traffic congestion needed a long-term solution.


Meaning: a dishonest or unprincipled person

Example: The spy was a rogue agent, working independently of any government.


Meaning: a person skilled in storytelling or anecdotes

Example: The raconteur entertained the audience with captivating stories from his travels.


Meaning: extremely hungry; voracious

Example: After the long hike, they were ravenous and eagerly devoured their meal.


Meaning: to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events

Example: The old friends gathered to reminisce about their school days.


Meaning: to produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound

Example: The speaker’s words resonated with the audience, leaving a lasting impact.


Meaning: necessary or essential for a particular purpose

Example: The completion of the prerequisite courses was requisite for graduation.


Meaning: looking back on or dealing with past events or situations

Example: The museum hosted a retrospective exhibition showcasing the artist’s career.


Meaning: expressing disapproval or disappointment

Example: Her reproachful glance conveyed her disappointment with his actions.


Meaning: the quality of being strong, healthy, and vigorous

Example: The robustness of the economy was evident in the steady growth rate.


Meaning: to respond to a gesture or action with a corresponding one

Example: When someone offers help, it’s polite to reciprocate the kindness.


Meaning: to make someone or something look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively

Example: A spa weekend can rejuvenate both the body and mind.


Meaning: a lengthy and complicated procedure or routine

Example: The bureaucratic rigmarole delayed the approval process.


Meaning: the act or process of calculating again

Example: The accountant performed a recalculation to ensure the accuracy of the financial statement.


Meaning: something that is necessary or essential

Example: Patience is a requisite for mastering a musical instrument.


Meaning: to respond to an action with a similar one, especially a harmful one

Example: The country threatened to retaliate if provoked by an act of aggression.


Meaning: to revoke or cancel a decision, law, or agreement

Example: The board decided to rescind the unpopular policy after public outcry.


Meaning: a meal; especially a formal one

Example: The family gathered for a festive repast to celebrate the holiday.


Meaning: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; harsh or severe

Example: The rigorous training program prepared the athletes for the intense competition.


Meaning: to echo or resound; to have a lasting effect

Example: The applause continued to reverberate through the auditorium.


Meaning: extravagantly enthusiastic or ecstatic

Example: The musician delivered a rhapsodic performance that captivated the audience.


Meaning: people regarded as disreputable or worthless

Example: The exclusive club had strict entry requirements to keep out riffraff.


Meaning: deserving censure or condemnation; blameworthy

Example: His reprehensible actions led to his expulsion from the organization.


Meaning: the process of making someone or something look or feel younger or more lively

Example: The spa offered a variety of treatments for the rejuvenation of body and mind.


Meaning: mutually shared or felt by both parties

Example: Their relationship was built on trust and reciprocal respect.


Meaning: inspiring fear or awe; formidable

Example: The general was a redoubtable leader on the battlefield.


Meaning: avoiding the company of other people; solitary

Example: The author lived a reclusive life in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle.


Meaning: the action of summarizing and restating the main points

Example: The professor provided a recapitulation of the key concepts covered in the lecture.

This was all about the English words starting with R. We hope we were able to provide you with some satisfactory information. For more information on such informative content, kindly visit GeekforBeginner.

100+ Words That Start With R- FAQs

What are some unique English words starting with ‘R’?

Here are some unique English words starting with’R’: Rambunctious, Reckless, Resonant, Ravenous, Reiterate, Relish, Remonstrate, Radiance, Replicate, Replenish, Recumbent, Redoubtable, Render, etc.

What is the number of letters R in English?

Out of the 26 alphabets in English language, R is at 18th number. R comes after Q and before S. The aphabet series goes like …PQRST….

Is ‘R’ a consonant?

‘R’ is a consonant. In the English aphabet series, there are a total of 26 alphabets, which are divided into 5 vowels and 21 consonants.

What are some words with ‘R’ for kids?

Here are some words with ‘R’ for kids: Rainbow, Robot, Rabbit, Rocket, Racecar, Rhino, Ring, Rock, Rollercoaster, Radio, Raccoon, Red, Ride, Ribbon, real, reel, raptor, rise, etc.