Work Experience as Technical Content Writing Intern at FavTutor

Hello Beginner,

I interned at FavTutor, an online tutoring service that connects students to independent tutors who teach them programming languages like C/C++, Java, Python, and various other tech stacks. I remotely interned there for about 3 months and the whole duration was filled with exhilarating growth and personal improvement with the team.

I interned there as a Technical Content Writer for a duration of 3 months. The work culture of the company was great and there was not even a single moment where I felt alone or scared of asking something from my manager. Each silly question of mine was answered with great consideration and enthusiasm. The whole team was great and we could all feel the togetherness while working.

The working of the company was extremely organized and professional. We all performed our tasks and kept a regular update using tools like Slack and Notion. The company environment was good and teamwork was encouraged and valued and that’s always felt comfortable.

My responsibilities as Technical Content Writer:

  1. Writing tech blogs on Data Structures and Algorithms
  2. Explaining the intuition and approach of questions in a beginner-friendly manner
  3. Maintaining the SEO value of the blogs
  4. Collaborating with the graphic designing team for the supporting visual media
  5. Proofreading the blogs
  6. Writing the code for the algorithmic-based blogs
  7. Curating blog content on interview-asked problems
  8. Exploring different tech stacks to widen my knowledge horizon

Although due to the pandemic, I couldn’t join the company physically and the whole duration of my internship was remote, I still felt a connection with my team members since most of us were interns working at our first internship. There were usual team meet-ups on Google Meet and Zoom, which ended with a whole lot of laughter and work jokes.

Despite all of this, I experienced some challenges when I started working since I was an intern and the internal pressure of coming onto par with others. Also, as a beginner, we all feel stressed, but the healthy work environment and friendly seniors made me feel comfortable in no time. With the focus on work-life balance, flexible hours, and remote work choices, I’ve been able to keep up a happy and healthy lifestyle.