Working of Tor Browser

The Tor Browser is like a secret agent for your internet-related activities which helps you browse the web without revealing your identity. It is like wearing an invisible cloak online, that is what the Tor Browser does for your privacy. In this article, Let us understand the workings of the Tor browser step by step by exploring its features, the benefits it offers, and how it protects your privacy while you are browsing.

Table of Content

  • Why is it called Tor?
  • How does Tor Browser Work?
  • How to Use Tor Browser?
  • Features of Tor Browser
  • Benefits of Using Tor Browser
  • Limitations of Tor Browser
  • Conclusion

Why is it called Tor?

Tor comes from The Onion Router which is like layers of armor for your information. As your data travels through the Tor network, it is wrapped in layers of encryption, just like peeling an onion. Each layer hides a part of your information, making it tough for anyone trying to spy on you.

How does Tor Browser Work?

Working Of Tor


The Tor browser is based on a technology called onion routing which means a peer-to-peer relay network that enables users to surf the internet anonymously. When you send a request to a server the Tor browser does not send that request directly to the server instead it uses its network to hop that request between multiple Tor Relays. At every relay, the request is encrypted. Ultimately, the request is sent to the end of the Tor Network and reaches the destination server. Apart from this, the Tor browser does even store the History and Cookies.

How to Use Tor Browser?

1. Download and Install

Start by downloading the Tor Browser from the official website here. It is as simple as downloading any other browser. Once downloaded, follow the installation instructions, and You are ready to go.

2. Connect to Tor Network

When you open the Tor Browser, you are not just hopping onto the regular internet highway. You are entering the Tor network, a decentralized system that bounces your connection through various volunteer-operated servers, making it harder for anyone to trace your online footsteps.

3. Browse Anonymously

Now that you are connected to the Tor network, your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through a series of nodes. This means your IP address is hidden, and each website you visit won’t know where you are connecting from.

Features of Tor Browser

  • Your data is encrypted in layers like an onion and each server in the network peels off one layer which shows only the necessary information.
  • Unlike mainstream browsers, the Tor Browser does not save your browsing history. It is like taking a stroll in the digital world without leaving any footprints.
  • Tor allows you to access .onion websites and these sites are part of the Tor network and they provide an extra layer of anonymity.

Benefits of Using Tor Browser

  • Tor is a shield for your online privacy. Whether you are concerned about advertisers, ISPs, or even government surveillance, Tor adds an extra layer of defense.
  • In regions where internet access is restricted, Tor can be a lifeline as it allows users to bypass censorship and access information that might otherwise be blocked.
  • It also ensures the security of your online transactions. Whether you are banking or shopping, Tor’s encryption keeps your sensitive information safe.

Limitations of Tor Browser

  • Due to the nature of routing through multiple servers, Tor browsing can be slower compared to regular browsers.
  • Tor may not be the best choice for streaming or bandwidth-intensive activities due to its focus on privacy and security.
  • Tor Browser disables most plugins to prevent potential security risks, enhancing your protection.
  • Tor Browser may limit certain JavaScript features to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.
  • While Tor enhances privacy, it is not foolproof, and users should still be cautious about sharing sensitive information.


We understood how the Tor Browser stands as a guardian of online privacy. From its innovative Onion Routing to the ability to access .onion sites, Tor is a powerful tool for those who value their online privacy.