World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day is celebrated on November 20 annually. The UN General Assembly announced the ‘Declaration of the Rights of the Child’ in 1959. Universal or International Children’s Day are other names for world children’s day, and some countries celebrate the whole week instead of a single day. Every year children’s day is celebrated with a theme. The UN decides the theme and focuses on different issues across the world. It spreads awareness about the care and rights of children. It educates about the responsibility toward children of parents and society. World Children’s Fund Day is also organized to raise funds for unprivileged children worldwide.

What are the Rights of Children?

Here are basic rights for children worldwide defined by UNICEF to offer equal opportunity.

  1. Right to Education
  2. Right to live a decent Standard life
  3. Right to live with Parents
  4. Right to Health
  5. Right to benefit from Protection
  6. Right to Speak
  7. Right to Play

These rights cover the social, economic, and cultural rights of children.

Some children are under or over-privileged. The government provides equal facilities to each child, analyzes needier, protects their rights, and protects them from exploitation. Children are the future of this universe and need to be flourished with care to adopt a better life and surroundings. UNICEF takes regular initiative to improve the conditions and oversees the activities across countries for betterment.

The World Children’s Day Theme 2021

The annual celebration of World Children’s Day Theme 2021 was based on various ideas which spread knowledge, awareness, and care regarding children. The theme for 2021’s children’s day was “A better future for every child”. It was inspired by the pandemic. The theme majorly discussed cutting down the hindrance of caste, race, gender, etc., expressing ideas and demands, becoming the leader of your thoughts, and taking charge of your ambitions. UNICEF introduced a Tik-Tok challenge to advocate for youth in the campaign. The new and creative ideas will boost the growth in mindset and environment.

Moreover, UNICEF also collects funds to help provide opportunities to children across the world. The motive is to raise international awareness of behavior toward children’s protection, survival, and development that will contribute to humankind. The fund is distributed among families for children’s education and health care. UNICEF provides extra care to children who are war survivors, health deprived, exploited due to poverty, lost parents in a natural disaster, etc. Along with children, the organization works for equal rights for women and wholesome contribution to development. The organization is non-biased and partners with the welfare of children. 


The above article shares knowledge about World Children’s Day. It is annually celebrated on November 20 in every country, and some countries celebrate it for a week. The World Children’s Day Theme 2021 was based on the idea of spreading knowledge and creating awareness regarding children. UNICEF regulates the money collected on World Children’s Fund day and distributes it to needy families for protection, survival, and care. UNICEF defines the basic rights and provides courage to protect the world’s future.