World Population Report 2023 – 9.8 Billion in 2050, and 11.2 Billion in 2100?

The human population is growing rapidly across the world and thus it’s quite important to keep a track of it. Thus the United Nations Population Fund(UNPF) prepares a report on the world population every year based on the latest census of every nation.

The world population report 2023 shows that India is likely to surpass China and become the world’s most populous nation by 2023.

From 1954 until the present date, the UNPF has been preparing a world population report year incorporating the population of 237 nations worldwide. The world population report has great importance as it presents various data like the mortality ratio, ratio of men over women, separate population details for each nation, etc. 

The Population of India By Age Groups

Table of Content

  • What is UNPF or UNFPA?
  • Most Populated Countries Expected Population by 2050:
  • Major Findings in the World Population Report 2023:
  • Rates of Population Growth in Different Regions:
  • India’s Outlook on the World Population Report 2023:
  • Pros and Cons of India’s Growing Population:
  • FAQs- World Population Report

What is UNPF or UNFPA?

  • UNPF stands for United Nations Population Fund and UNFPA means United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
  • It is world’s largest source of funding for population and reproductive health programs by UN. It works closely to attain desirable sustainable development goals in health, education and gender equality.

UNFPA was established on 1969, and later renamed to United Nation Population Fund however the abbreviation UNFPA was retained.

  • It is a part of the UN general Assembly and work as sex and reproductive health agency.

UNFPA mission is to to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

  • Although it is a part of UN assembly, it is not funded by UN. It’s major funding comes from volunteering countries, private organizations, inter-governmental organizations, etc.

Most Populated Countries Expected Population by 2050:

The following table shows the most populated countries expected population by 2050 as per World Population Report 2023:

Rank Country Expected Population in 2050
1 India 1.668 billion
2 China 1.317 billion
3 United States 369.3 million
4 Nigeria 400.5 million
5 Pakistan 403.9 million
6 Indonesia 364.6 million
7 Brazil 273.9 million
8 Bangladesh 224.7 million
9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 215.1 million
10 Ethiopia 213.2 million

Source: United Nations

It is important to note that these are just projections, and the actual population of each country in 2050 may vary. However, these projections give us a good idea of which countries are expected to experience the most population growth in the coming decades.

The World Population Report 2023 also notes that the global population is expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, and 11.2 billion by 2100. This population growth will be driven by a number of factors, including declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy.

The report also highlights the challenges that population growth will pose for countries around the world, such as the need to provide food, water, and shelter for a growing population.

Check UN Full Report Here: Link

Major Findings in the World Population Report 2023:

1. Slowing Population:

The world’s population is increasing but it is observed to be growing at a slower pace and that’s a good sign.

World Population Rate is 0.88% in 2023, which is lesser than population rate of 0.9% in 2022.

2. Estimate Population:

The UNFPA State of World Population Report 2023 states that as of July 2023, there will be 7.9 billion people on the planet. According to the report, there will be 8.5 billion people on Earth by 2030, 9.7 billion by 2050, and 10.4 billion by the end of the 21st century.

According to UNPF population report 2023, India currently have 1.4286 billion people and can overtake China to be most populated country by mid 2023

3. Life Expectancy:

  • According to world population report 2023, males have average life span of 71 years and females have average life span of 76 years.

In India, expected life span are 71 yrs for males and 74 yrs for females. Life expectancy in India have increased by more than 30 years since the 1950s.

  • The rate of increase in life expectancy has been faster in less developed regions than in developed regions since the 1950s.

4.Fertility Rate:

  • Global total fertility rate have decreased more than half since 1950s. Global total fertility rate(TFR) is projected to be 2.418 birth per woman in 2021, which is huge decline from TFR of 5 births per woman on 1950s.

The UNFPA predicts that the global total fertility rate(TFR) will fall to 2.1 births per woman by 2050.

  • India is also facing a slight decline in TFR, India’s TFR is predicted to be 2.139 births per woman which is less TFR of 2022 – 2.159 births per year

5. Gender-based violence and Discrimination:

Addressing the serious problem of gender-based violence and discrimination, UNPF suggested to make major investments in services that resolve cases and prevent violence.

Some Statistics by World Population Report on Women violence:

  • Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime.
  • Every 11 minutes, a woman or girl is killed by someone in her own family.
  • Less than 10% teenage girls (age 15-19) who faced forced sex ask for professional help fue to fear, stigma, lack of service, etc.

6. Aging population:

  • Aging population is a global phenomena, but it is most commonly seen in developed countries with lower birth rate and high mortality rate.

The global median age is projected to increase from 30.5 years in 2023 to 36.8 years by 2050.

  • India is also facing aging population, according to the world population report median age of India will increase from 28.2 years in 2023 to 34.8 years by 2050

Rates of Population Growth in Different Regions:

  • As per the World Population Report 2022, Asia seems to be the most populous region in the world with Central and South-East Asia accounting for more than 30% of the global population. 
  • India and China emerged to be the most populous nations in the world with an approximate population of 1.4 billion each. 
  • By end of the year 2023, India is likely to surpass China in terms of population and become the most populous country in India.
  • While the population of Australia, New Zealand, Western Asia, and Northern Africa is expected to observe a slow but positive population growth.

The Population of India By Birth and Death

India’s Outlook on the World Population Report 2023:

  • The world population report of 2023 came up with alarming signs for India, as the report says that, India’s population is growing at a rapid pace. The report also mentions that India will soon occupy the first position as the most populous nation in the world surpassing China.

As per the world population report, at the end of 2023, the population of India is expected around 1.428 billion, a bit more than China’s population which is expected to be 1.426 billion by 2023.

  • Countries with high birth rate should invest more in family planning and education to get best results on economy and society.
  • India should work on women rights and women empowerment. Current Government also promotes female sharing 50% of work force in India.
  • India should develop more clean sources of energy for clean environment during development phases.

Pros and Cons of India’s Growing Population:


1. Increase in Work ForceIndia has 68% population in age group 15-64,which means we have high working man-force. This is very beneficial for developing countries like India.

2. Influencing Business Markets- Due to India’s high Population, India has one of the largest consumer base and very low labour cost which attracts global companies to invest in India.

3. Geo-Political Influence- India is world’s largest democracy and with largest population in the world India has a lot of influence in the world. India’s increasing reputation can lead to India becoming permanent member of United Nations Security Council(UNSC).

4. Leading Developing Nations– India hosted the G20 summit 2023, having almost 17% of world population helped India a lot in becoming the leader for South-Asian and developing countries.


1. Environment Impact– An increase in population retards sustainable growth and development in a nation as more people bring more need of energy and resources.

2. Unemployment– With an increase in population, the disguised unemployment in the nation also increases as more people get engaged in work than the actual required.

3. Low Labour Force Participation- Indian Female’s have low labour participation of 19% which is less than global average of 25.1%.

Prime Minister of India aims it to be 50%.

4. Social Impacts- Increase in Population can lead to many social challenges like poverty, crime and social unrest.


The World Population Report by UNFPA tells us about the needs to remain sustainable for upcoming decades. It tells us the up coming challenges we need to face as a world population and individual challenges for the nations.

Slowly declining birth rate, fertility rate can be huge concerns for upcoming decades as humans need to maintain a fertility rate of 2.1 to sustain human population. We are seeing a slow decline in increase in world population which is a good news.

India is one of the most promising country in the world, with highest population India carries the responsibility to lead by example. A lot of work needs to be done in women empowerment, social equality, education and many more.

World Population Report 2023 – FAQs

Q. Who released world population report?

The World Population Report is published by United Nation Population Fund(UNFPA) every year.

Q. What is UNFPA?

UNFPA stands for United Nations Funds for Population Activity. It is now known as UNPF or United Nations Population Funds. It works on world population and development.

Q. Who is 1st in world population?

According to latest reports in world population report, India is set to become the no.1 country in population beating China in 2023.

Q. What is India’s population in 2023?

The expected population of India in 2023 is  142.86 crores.

Q. How many Muslims in India?

Expected population of muslims in India is 17.22 crores, which makes them 14.23% of Indian Population.

Q. When is World Population Day?

World population day is celebrated on 11 July