WRS Info India Pvt. Ltd Work Experience For Internship

I have always enjoyed writing. Expressing myself through written words is something that comes naturally to me. I have recently stepped into the world of website content writing with my internship at WRS Info India Pvt. Ltd. My work profile includes developing content and designing social media marketing campaigns for their website deal4loans.com.

Thanks to a pool of articles that I have done over the past month and my super cooperative colleagues, I am adapting myself to the methods of how online content writing and content marketing is done; though, I have a long way to go. Website content writing is not an easy job. It requires loads of creativity, patience and devotion to learn. At the same time, flunking deadlines is not an option. Further, the finished job needs to be crisp, informative and interesting. So, content writing is a gigantic job but is extremely fulfilling if you enjoy what you write.

If you are serious about what you do, there is a lot to learn. I am currently learning about SEO(Search Engine Optimization), SMO(Social Media Optimization), blogging and Content marketing.

As doing business is becoming easier thanks to the Internet, online copywriting has a very important role to play. However a word of caution- copy-writing is not facile and at times can also get boring, especially when the products/services you write about are very dry, like in my case: loans and insurance policies. In advertising convincingly about all these services through your content, lie the skills of a good copywriter.

It is to be understood that the road to content writing is no easy path. It requires a lot of brainstorming. A lot of research needs to be done on the company and business markets. But, the most difficult part is coming up with ideas. It takes a toll on your grey cells to come up with good ideas worth writing for and that are in sync with your company’s mission and strategy. Anyone can write but not all can come up with ideas. Now that is what distinguishes other writers from copywriters.

In my short time as a content writer, I realized a few important things that a good content writer should always follow:

  • Play around with the words: Avoid using everyday words, show a little knowledge of the English dictionary.
  • Emphasize certain keywords: This along with catching the reader’s attention will also help in search engine optimization (SEO) which will maximize the volume or quality of traffic to your website from search engines.
  • Be Concise and Clear: Do not beat around the bush. Don’t make the work ambiguous, it will lead to you losing the customer. Your idea should easily reach the consumer’s head. Provide attractive material in a short span which stimulates the consumer to do more research.
  • Stick to one Chief component: It is very easy to overthink the process and make your work useless. Too many ideas in one article will blemish your work. Let the reader follow one theme at a time. Do not confuse him.
  • Proofread: Double-check what you have written. Be sure of the grammar and language used. Business jargon may not be effective as your customers will not understand them.

Most importantly never stop reading. Read as much quality content as possible.

Happy Reading!