wxPython – GetSelection() method of wx.RadioBox

In this article we are going to learn about GetSelection() method associated with wx.RadioBox class of wxPython. GetSelection() function is simply used in order to returns the index of the selected item or NOT_FOUND if no item is selected. No parameters are required by GetSelection() function.

Syntax: wx.RadioBox.GetSelection(self) Parameters No parameters are required by GetSelection() function. Returns: The position of the current selection. Return Type: int

Code Example: 


import wx
class FrameUI(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, title):
        super(FrameUI, self).__init__(parent, title = title, size =(300, 200))
        # function for in-frame components
    def InitUI(self):
        # parent panel for radio box
        pnl = wx.Panel(self)
        # list of choices
        lblList = ['Radio One', 'Radio Two']
        # create radio box containing above list
        self.rbox = wx.RadioBox(pnl, label ='RadioBox', pos =(80, 10), choices = lblList,
                                          majorDimension = 1, style = wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
        # set tooltip for first tool
        self.rbox.SetItemToolTip(0, "Item One")
        # print the index of the selected item
        print (self.rbox.GetSelection())
        # set frame in centre
        # set size of frame
        self.SetSize((400, 250))
        # show output frame
# wx App instance
ex = wx.App()
# Example instance
FrameUI(None, 'RadioButton and RadioBox')

Console Output:


Output Window: