XML full form

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a type of markup language that establishes a set of guidelines for encoding texts in a way that is both machine- and human-readable. For storing and transferring data on the web and in many other applications, XML is widely used.

Getting Started with XML

Presented below are the important topics that come under the XML file format. After navigating all the important topics, you’ll have a basic understanding about using the XML file format.

Table of Content

  • Getting Started with XML
  • Why opt for XML?
  • Where to use XML?
  • How to use XML?
  • Features of XML
  • How to create a file in XML?
  • How to open a file in XML?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ’s
  • Recent Articles on XML

Why opt for XML?

XML has gained popularity as a data format, the reasons being:

  • Decode-ability by machines: Computers can effortlessly parse and handle XML files making it perfect for data sharing or storage.
  • Comprehension by humans: The readability aspect of XML files means they are simple to edit and keep up with.
  • Flexibility in extension: A unique feature of XML is its extensibility. Adapting custom tags considering individual needs becomes possible.
  • Indifference towards platform-dependency: There’s no barrier regarding which operating system or programming language one uses; anyone can read and process an XML file.

Where to use XML?

XML is used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Web development: XML is used to store and exchange data in web applications.
  • Mobile development: XML is used to store and exchange data in mobile applications.
  • Desktop development: XML is used to store and exchange data in desktop applications.
  • Data exchange: XML is often used to exchange data between different applications and systems.
  • API: XML is often used to implement APIs. APIs allow different applications to communicate with each other and exchange data.

How to use XML?

XML documents are made up of elements, attributes, and text. The fundamental units of an XML document are called elements. Elements can have extra information about them provided through attributes. Text is the content of XML elements.

To create an XML document, you must first create a root element. The root element is the top-level element in the XML document. All other elements in the XML document must be nested inside the root element.

Once you have created the root element, you can start adding child elements. Child elements are elements that are nested inside another element. You can continue adding child elements until you have created the complete XML document.

Features of XML

XML has a number of features that make it a popular data format. These features include:

  • Flexibility: XML is a flexible data format as it allows you to create your own custom tags to meet your specific needs.
  • Extensibility: XML is extensible as it enables you to add new features to XML without breaking existing applications.
  • Platform-independence: XML files can be read and processed on any platform, regardless of the operating system or programming language.
  • Human-readability: XML files are also human-readable, which makes them easy to edit and maintain.
  • Machine-readability: XML files can be easily parsed and processed by computers. This makes XML ideal choice to store and exchange.

How to create a file in XML?

XML is a simple language to use. In order to create an XML file, you need to create a text file and save it with a .xml extension. The XML file should contain a root element, which is the top-level element of the document. The root element can contain any number of child elements.

Each element in an XML document can have attributes which are used to provide additional information about an element.

Here is an example of a simple XML document:


  <title>XML Tutorial</title>
    Hi Beginner!

How to open a file in XML?

There are a number of different ways to open a file in XML like using a text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text. You can open XML files on a web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.

If you are using a text editor to open an XML file, you will see the raw XML code. If you are using a web browser to open an XML file, you will see a formatted version of the XML code.


Because it is adaptable, expandable, platform-independent, and legible by humans, XML is a widely used data format. Numerous applications, including data interchange, web development, mobile development, desktop development, and APIs, employ XML.


1. What is the main use of XML?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) enables the definition and sharing of data. Information interchange between computer systems, including webpages, databases, and outside applications, is supported by XML.

2. What is XML limitations?

Access speed is not optimised for XML. XML files are designed to be fully loaded before being utilised as a data source. Every time the markup is read in, the parser is needed to do a syntax check. Modern databases, on the other hand, are designed for speedy data updates and searches.

3. Which characters are not allowed in XML?

The following characters are not permitted in XML Tag names: ! “#$%&'()*+,/;<=>?

4. Why XML is used in Web services?

XML Web Services make important functionality available to Web users through a common Web protocol .The most used protocol is SOAP. With the use of XML Web services, interfaces may be described in sufficient depth for a user to create a client application to communicate with them.

Recent Articles on XML