Yardi Software India Private Limited Interview Experience for Software Trainee Engineer

Nowadays, candidates, especially freshers, often have to navigate through several stages of the interview process. The initial stage typically involves :

  1. Resume/CV Screening
  2. Group Discussion (GD)
  3. Online/Offline Aptitude Test
  4. Technical Round
  5. HR Round

1. Group Discussion (GD) :

After meeting the grade criteria, I advanced to the first stage of the interview process, which was the Group Discussion round, conducted offline. Upon arriving at the destination, I found numerous candidates already present for the Group Discussion round. Slots were assigned to all candidates for their group discussions. As the slots were allocated, groups were formed, and the process began one after the other.

When it was my turn, I was assigned to the group second to the currently engaged in the discussion. Everyone seemed tense, engrossed in their phones. Feeling the pressure, I also started feeling stressed and began frantically searching for Group Discussion topics on Google. Prior to arriving at the destination, I hadn’t prepared or read up on any topics, which added to my stress.

Then, as my turn approached, the previous group finished their discussion. Everyone started asking them about the topic, but I couldn’t quite catch what one girl said to me regarding the topic name. Finally, it was my turn. Everyone placed their bags in the corner and brought their resumes with a passport-sized photo. We then took our seats arranged in a circular fashion. I sat in the second position from the starting chair.

Afterwards, the facilitator asked each of us for our names, and then introduced herself. Following the introductions, she presented us with a topic.

Group Discussion Topic : “Does Deadline Kills Creativity?”

Now that I know the topic, I have 3 minutes to understand it and jot down some points. Everyone begins writing on their paper, but I start preparing on how to initiate the Group Discussion.


  • Always try to initiate the group discussion.
  • Don’t start directly on the topic.
  • Begin with greetings and introduce yourself.
  • Express gratitude to the interviewer for the opportunity to discuss the given topic.
  • Start presenting your points on what you think about the topic.
  • Avoid directly opposing anyone’s points; remember, this is a group discussion, not a debate.
  • Maintain smooth conversation flow.
  • Lastly, try to present a concise conclusion in one line.


  • Please don’t raise your voice at someone while presenting your points.
  • Don’t always interrupt others; allow them to complete their point.
  • If someone disagrees with your points, don’t focus solely on proving them wrong.
  • Don’t solely address the interviewer during the discussion; remember it’s a group discussion, not a one-on-one conversation.
  • Avoid using phrases like “I totally disagree with you”; respect everyone’s perspectives.
  • Don’t rely solely on generic points from the internet; strive to present realistic viewpoints on the topic.

Here are some points about what others should do, as noted, which you should not do:

  • They directly oppose other points.
  • They continue presenting their points without allowing others to complete theirs.
  • Sometimes they start debating without considering that it’s a group discussion.
  • Without understanding or thinking about it, they start writing on paper as if it’s an exam.
  • They don’t focus on the topic; instead, they start opposing each other.
  • Some students don’t even contribute a single sentence.
  • They raise their voice if someone disagrees with their points.
  • They make excessively long conclusions.

Here are which I do during this Group Discussion :

  • During the group discussion, I took the initiative to start by introducing myself and expressing gratitude to the interviewer for selecting this topic.
  • I began by emphasizing that deadlines are necessary but do not necessarily stifle creativity.
  • I mentioned that deadlines are important as they teach us time management skills, but they shouldn’t hinder our creativity because creativity is a personal choice regardless of the situation.
  • I highlighted the importance of deadlines in successfully planning and executing tasks on time but stressed that creativity varies from person to person.
  • To illustrate my point, I provided an example from college where deadlines for assignments and projects exist, but one can still approach them creatively by starting early and ensuring timely completion with creativity.
  • I supported my arguments with several real-world examples.
  • Finally, I concluded the discussion with a succinct one-liner.

Finally, after the end of the group discussion, I received appreciation from many. After some days, I received an email informing me that I have been selected to proceed to the next stage of the interview process.

2. Aptitude Test :

Let’s talk about the online aptitude test pattern I encountered through Yardi Software Limited. We can discuss the types of questions, timing, number of questions, marking system, and any other relevant details.

After clicking on the test link provided in the email, you’ll be redirected to a page where you need to sign up first. You’ll be required to fill in the following details:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address used during the recruitment process
  3. Creating a password

Once you’ve provided these details, you can log in with your credentials to access the test.

Online Aptitude Test Pattern :

  • It contains 20 questions.
  • Each question carries 1 mark, totaling 20 marks for the test.
  • Additionally, there is a mark for review labels for questions in case you need to revisit them.
  • At the top right-hand side of the page, there is a submit button.
  • The top of the page displays a timer and the number of questions you have completed.
  • Questions have two buttons, ‘Previous’ and ‘Next.’
  • On the left-hand side, there is a panel containing all the questions listed

Duration of the Test :

  • The test has a duration of 45 minutes for the 20 questions.
  • In the event of an internet disconnection, the test will be automatically paused, and you can resume from where you left off once the internet connection is restored.
  • It is advisable to attempt the test using a laptop with a stable internet connection.

Type of Questions:

  • Spatial Aptitude: There was one question assessing spatial aptitude skills. For Example:They provided some diagrams/Shape’s and asked which shape is related to the diagram or fits perfectly into the empty space.
  • Code Languages : There were 2-3 questions related to code languages aptitude, where a coding pattern was given, and I had to decipher the code for a given word. For Example:If “RED” is coded as “HEY,” then how is “BLACK” coded? We are provided with four options to choose from.
  • Venn Diagrams: There were 1-2 questions involving Venn diagrams, where relationships between different categories were depicted. For Example: 1. All apples are strawberries 2.All strawberries are red. Then, conclusions are given, and we have to choose the correct option from them.
  • Seating Arrangement : There were 1-2 questions on seating arrangement aptitude, where I had to solve problems involving the arrangement of individuals in a sequence or order. For Example: Alexa is seated in the 4th position from the left side of the row, and Seri is seated in the 7th position from the right side. Then, we need to determine the total number of students in the class. Another Example: Alexa is seated in the 4th position from the left side of the row, and Seri is seated in the 7th position from the right side. If they switch their positions, we need to determine in which position Alexa is seated from the right.
  • Direction Sense: There was a question related to directions, where we have to determine the direction, such as north or south. For Example: Alexa walks 20 meters east, then turns left and walks 40 meters, and finally turns right. We need to determine the total distance she traveled from the starting point.

After successfully completing the aptitude test, I received an email confirming that I successfully completed the online aptitude test and am now moving forward to the next stage of the recruitment process.

3. Technical Round:

Similarly, the technical round consists of 25 questions to be completed within 45 minutes. There is also no negative marking, with each question worth one mark.

  1. Technical Round includes questions related to various topics:
  2. DBMS (Database Management System)
  3. JAVA programs, which may include programs with given inputs and expected outputs
  4. Inheritance
  5. Normalization forms in DBMS
  6. Operator overloading
  7. DDL (Data Definition Language)
  8. SQL queries
  9. .NET

Some question which I remember:

  • Where the JAVA program start from?
  • For operator overloading we use?
  • Given SQL query output?
  • Multivalued attribute removed in which normal form?
  • DDL commands?
  • Which type of inheritance use?

For Example: Class C:public A,public B

The question in the test might not be exactly like this, but it’s similar in nature. Overall, my experience with the technical round was positive. It wasn’t overly challenging, especially if you have a solid grasp of the basic concepts in the topics covered and after successfully clearing the technical round, I received an email notification confirming my achievement.