Year length() method in Java with Examples

The length() method of Year class in Java is used to return the length of this year object’s value in number of days. There can be only two possible lengths of Year, 365(Non-leap years) and 366(Leap years).


public int length()

Parameter: This method does not accepts any parameter.

Return Value: It returns an integer value denoting the length of Year in number of days.

Below programs illustrate the length() method of Year in Java:
Program 1:

// Program to illustrate the length() method
import java.util.*;
import java.time.*;
public class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a Year object
        Year thisYear = Year.of(2016);
        // Print the length of this year in Number
        // of days, 366 in this case as 2016 is
        // a Leap Year



Program 2:

// Program to illustrate the length() method
import java.util.*;
import java.time.*;
public class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a Year object
        Year thisYear = Year.of(1990);
        // Print the length of this year in Number
        // of days, 365 in this case as 1990 is not
        // a Leap Year


