Zeotap Interview Experience for SDE Internship(6-Months)

I applied for the internship through LinkedIn. The hiring procedure consists of 3 rounds.

Round 1 (Online Assessment on HackerRank): It was a 2.5-hour test consist of around 20 questions. There were 2 programming questions that were pretty basic, few SQL queries of basic to moderate range, few MCQs based on fundamental subjects of computer science – OOP, OS, DSA, CN, and DBMS.

Round 2 (DSA virtual interview): The interviewer started with basic DSA questions. He asked me to write the pseudo-code of the following problems like

  1. Reverse a linked list in O(n) time.
  2. Reverse a stack in linear time but using constant space. (Hint provided by the interviewer: Try it using linked lists)
  3. Given an array and an integer K, find the maximum for each and every contiguous subarray of size k.

I solved the first and third questions correctly. I attempted the second question using recursion, but I was unable to it in constant space. He gave me a bonus question that would replace the second question if I solve it. The question was:

  1. Hanoi tower problem

I solved this problem. He was happy with the whole session and told me to prepare for the next round.

Round 3 (Problem-solving virtual interview): The interviewer first asked me a little about my projects. After that, he asked me to find the given element in a binary tree that follows two conditions:

  1. The root of every subtree is the smallest element of the subtree.
  2. All the elements in the left subtree are smaller than the elements in the right subtree.
  3. He asked me to optimize it to the time complexity of O(log n). I was able to optimize it to O(log n) complexity.
  4. Then he asked me to program a problem that I solved using a priority queue.
  5. Then he asked me how priority queues are implemented? I told him that it can be implemented best using the heap data structure.

After this, he asked me various questions related to the time and space complexity of heaps v/s binary trees and when to prefer which data structure – heap or binary tree – and why?

Then he asked me various program-designing-using-object-oriented-programming questions like design the heap data structure.

After this, he asked me to design a program (using OOP concepts) for a backend service.
P.S: One of my projects included backend development.

(None of the designing questions had a specific answer. I was only asked vaguely to design basic functions that might be needed to complete the functionality.)

I designed all the programs to the best of my ability but, unfortunately, I wasn’t selected for the internship.