Zoho Corporation (Internship cum Offer Experience )

Interview Experience- ZOHO Corporation

Round 1 ( written test )

Round 1 consisted of 25 Questions.(15 + 10) (Time: 60 minutes).

  1. First 15 questions were from C programming language. ( finding the output of the given C code ). Questions were from the concepts of recursion, pointers, 2D arrays, for loops (handling two three nested loops), static members, character array, preprocessor, dynamic memory allocation, functions.
  2. Second 10 questions were from aptitude, puzzles.


Round 2 ( programming test – 5 questions )

In this round, we’re expected to write code for the given problem in any of the three languages ( c, c++, java ).

Q.no.1)  Given N. print the following snake pattern (say N = 4). condition:  must not use arrays ( 1D array  or 2D array like Matrix ).

1   2   3   4

8   7   6    5

9   10  11   12

16  15  14  13


Q.no.2)  Given N. print the Latin Matrix (say N = 3). condition:  must not use strings(aka character literals), arrays (both 1D and 2D), inbuilt functions(like rotate).

 A   B   C

B   C   A

C   A   B

Q.no.3)   Given a number N. find the minimum count of numbers in which N can be represented as a sum of numbers x1, x2, … xn. where xi is number whose digits are 0s and 1s.

example 1)  i/p :  N = 33

o/p : count = 3.     33( 11 + 11 + 11 )

some other possibilities of 33 is (11 + 11 + 10 + 1),   (11 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 ), (10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1)

Q.no.4)   Finding all permutations of a string. ( backtracking approach ).

Q.no.5)   Given an array of integers, write a program to re-arrange the array in the given form.

1st_largest, 1st_smallest, 2nd_largest, 2nd_smallest, 3rd_largest ……. etc.



After the 2nd round results, they selected 14 of us for the summer internship period ( which went for about 14 working days). we were given a lot of tasks to complete every single day. The below listed tasks were given during the internship.

1) Worked with Zoho Invoice (online invoicing and billing software).

2) Studied about REST API and how it works and created a small api for data transfer.

3) Worked with POSTMAN for API calls checking.

4) Studied about webhooks ( reverse api )

5) Worked with Zapier ( web-service to integrate the web applications in order to automate the tasks )

6) Worked with Java Servlets and created a REST API. (with HTTP calls on tomcat server )


During the Internship, we were given few programming tasks to complete. In that they checked our performance based on

  1. How we write code. (naming variables, giving proper parentheses, proper spaces )
  2. How easily others understand our code.
  3. How efficient our code is and how we write code in a generalized manner.


Q.no.1 )  Given a string find all possible subsets of the string  ( power set of the string ).   string = “ABC”  { “” ,   “A”, “B”, “C”, “AB”, “BC”, “AC”, “ABC” }

Q.no.2)  Print chess board in form of  0’s and 1’s

0   1   0   1   0   1   0   1

1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0

0   1   0   1   0   1   0   1

1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0

0   1   0   1   0   1   0   1

1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0

0   1   0   1   0   1   0   1

1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0


Q.no.3)  Compression of a given string.

example: aaaabbcccc  —>   a4bbc4

abbccc     —>  abbc3

bb  —>   bb  (not b2, no need to compress)


Q.no.4)  Given  name, company, contacts. serialie the data to create a JSON file (in form of string).

given: { “name”, “company”, “{ contacts_list }”  }, output should exactly looks like below (with proper indentation and spaces, parentheses, brackets )



“name” : “Karthick”,

“company” : “Zoho Corporation”,

“contacts” : [


“name”  : “person1”,

“email”   : “person1@gmail.com”,

“phone” :  “1234567890”



“name”  : “person2”,

“email”   : “person2@gmail.com”,

“phone” :  “1234567890”







“name”  : “person_n“,

“email”   : “person_n@gmail.com”,

“phone” :  “1234567890”





Q.no.5 )  Design Zoho Invoice Model(using c, c++, java). Design should work for the following HTTP commands for the corresponding invoices and customers.

  1. GET     customers    |     GET  customers/{ customer_id }
  2. GET     invoices        |      GET  invoices/ { invoice_id }

iii.  POST   customers/{ customer_id }      { body }

  1. POST invoices/ { invoice_id }      { body }



1) Tell me about yourself

2) Questions  were asked from my Resume (mostly about my achievements)

3) And discussed about my college symposium and hackathons participation experience.


1) Explain me about your projects.

2)  What are the challenges you faced in your hackathons and coding competitions.

3) Tell me your volunteer experience and leadership skills.


( Finally at the end of the Internship process 5 from 14 of us got the offer )