Zoho Interview expereince for Full Stack developer (Off-Campus)

It is off campus experience I got a call from recruiter for the role of full stack developer entire process held in Chennai.

Aptitude(First Round)

This round consists of 25 fill in the blanks (10 Quants + 15 Technical) for this round the duration is 1 hour. No MCQs in this round also there is no negative marking .

Tips for quant (first 10 questions):

  • Practice questions on Allegation and mixtures , Profit and loss.
  • Puzzles (100 doors locked puzzle appeared for me)https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-16-100-doors/ , monty hall problem and its probabilites of switching
  • Probability based apti questions.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G0w61pZPig&t=35s
  • Questions bases on train.

Tips for quant (Next 15 questions):

This set is completely based on your knowledge on Java and C(fundamentals)

  • Questions based on Java fundamentals like threading.
  • They give some sentence we have to write preferred data structure used for that task ex:
  • For implementing garbage collection: Heap
  • To implement a music player: Doubly Linked list.
  • To keep track of all the running process.
  • Scheduling jobs: Queues
  • like this
  • Looping questions how many time a particular thing is printed.(practice form India bix)
  • Questions and artihmatic expression and ternary operators.
  • They provided one structure and union and asked for how much memory allocated for this (Have a knowledge on padding concept)
  • Have a knowledge on instance and static variables and blocks one question has been appeared for me.

NOTE: None of the question are MCQ

Basic coding round(Round 2)

Note: You must use only CPP , Java and C no other languages allowed

They took around 45 minutes to evaluate the first round and called shortlisted ones for this round.

They given 8 questions and 3 hrs time we asked to bring our laptops is not they will provide no worries.

One has to solve atleast 4 coding questions in time to clear this round.


  • Call the invigilator after every question you solved and explain your approach to them very clearly don’t keep on solving without informing them

(GFG is saviour for this round)

Questions appeared:

  • Phone keypad problem ex:(233)–>output: add
  • Check whether array contains duplicates or not
  • Roman to integer conversion
  • Check the string whether it contains repeated substring or not.

ex: abab —> return true

abc ——> return false

  • Check sum problem.
  • Minimum number of steps needed to reach the bottom right of the n*n matrix from top right corner of the matrix.

Soon after the completion of this round they shortlist the candidates (Immediate filtering no waiting time)

Note:: You can use any editor of your choice.

Advanced coding round (Round 3)

They provide one question and give around 1 hr. Once you solve this question you are asked to make some major changes to the existing problems your asked to leave there it self.I am rejected in this round I took more time to solve first itlself


Matrix based question

Insert a ball or stone at a particular column of a matrix if that cell is already filled insert in above cell. If that entire column is filled print that column is filled. 1 based indexing


Question in 3rd round

I am not selected for below rounds

Technical round (round 4)

HR (round 5)