Zoho Interview Experience | Set 28 (Off Campus Drive)

The whole process took 5 Rounds and 2 days.

Round 1: The first round was the pen paper based round. It had 15 Technical questions and 10 Aptitude Questions.

In technical question they asked questions on code output generally from C and a bit from Java too. Question were based on different topics like Loops, Pointer/Double pointer, Arrays etc. Aptitude is not as easy as some mass recruiters you will have to dig in a bit to get the answers. My Aptitude went really bad but Technical went really awesome. And was luckily shortlisted for the next round. Out of some 1000 people some 100-200 people were selected for the next round.

Round 2:
So this is the phase where actual hands on coding begins. I was given one string based question pretty easy for someone who is good with competitive programming. Few were again filtered out in this round

Round 3:
Now this is the one of he most challenging round in Zoho process. They asked to programme three questions, and all three were of really good standard. At first look I thought Ok, this is where my journey to zoho end’s. But somehow after thinking about the questions and writing numerous cases and algos over and over again. I got output for all three questions. This round went for about 3-4 hours. Many people again got filtered in this stage again.

Round 4:
Now this is the final coding round where everyone was given one big coding question which they had to implement using OOPS concepts(Just the basics). People were given ample amount of time to complete this coding round. I got and Employee management system. It was distributed in 5 different stages in which you have to implement each stage one after the another. A peron from zoho will be monitoring you from the beginning till end, he also asked me to implement 6-7 extra functionalities in the system apart from the ones that were mentioned in my question.d

Round 5:
So this was the Technical interview It generally revolved around my resume. So whatever you write on your resume some questions will be designed on that and also