Zoho Interview Experience | Set 33 (Off-Campus for Software developer)

Round 1:

C apps 10 one mark questions and 5 two mark questions

General apps 10 one mark questions . (puzzles from gfg and other aptitude questions )

Round 2:

1.Given two dimensional matrix of integer and print the rectangle can be formed using given indices and also find the sum of the elements in the rectangle
Input: mat[M][N] = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 6}, {5, 3, 8, 1, 2}, {4, 6, 7, 5, 5}, {2, 4, 8, 9, 4} };
index = (2, 0) and (3, 4)
4 6 7 5 5
2 4 8 9 4
sum 54


2. Find the result subtraction, multiplication, division of two integers using + operator.
Input: 6 and 4
addition 6+4 = 10,    subtraction  6+(-4) = 2,   multiplication = 24,   division = 1

Input : -8 and -4
addition -8+(-4) = -12,    subtraction  (-8)+(-(-4)) = -4,   multiplication = 32,   division = 2


3.Given a sentence of string, in that remove the palindrome words and print the remaining.
He did a good deed
He good

Hari speaks malayalam
Hari speaks


Input: dt1 = {10, 2, 2014} dt2 = {10, 3, 2015}
Output: 393

dt1 represents β€œ10-Feb-2014” and dt2 represents β€œ10-Mar-2015” The difference is 365 + 28

Input: dt1 = {10, 2, 2000} dt2 = {10, 3, 2000}
Output: 29

Note that 2000 is a leap year

Input: dt1 = {10, 2, 2000} dt2 = {10, 2, 2000}
Output: 0

Both dates are same

Input: dt1 = {1, 2, 2000}; dt2 = {1, 2, 2004};
Output: 1461

Number of days is 365*4 + 1




Input: digits[] = β€œ121”
Output: 3 // The possible decodings are β€œABA”, β€œAU”, β€œLA”

Input: digits[] = β€œ1234” Output: 3

// The possible decodings are β€œABCD”, β€œLCD”, β€œAWD”



Round 3:

Given an employee date base.

Name, Age, Designation, Department Of ten people.

and Five tasks were given such as

1. Print all employee details.

2. Searching employee details

3. Employees under the given manger name of the department

4. reporting to tree of the given employee name